Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dirty Laundry - Turn Down The Noise

It seems that everywhere you turn we are bombarded with the latest news.  The TV, newspapers, movies, and internet continue to inform us of the latest crisis, war, and natural disaster.  We all know that bad news sells.

We know that this bad news sells but do we know how it impacts us.  The United States is one of the most accomplished and wealthiest countries in the history of mankind, but we have high levels of disease, sickness, depression, and anxiety.  Every channel markets non stop that latest medication for the latest illness all in the name of health.  Our continuous exposure to this endless negativity is like being exposed to continual darkness without feeling the warmth of the sun.

We can make a conscious shift to limit or end this constant exposure to the news.  Do we wonder why sleeping pills are so popular when we watch the news for the crisis before we go to bed.  We can take back control by simply using the off button.  We need to limit the media exposure especially with our children that are so influenced by all the negativity.  Our reality is what we make it, yes there are bad things that happen but how about the many good things that happen in our daily lives that get totally ignored.

We should try an experiment. For a week, let's limit our exposure to negativity and focus on the goodness in our lives.  From simply waking up in the morning, enjoying a sunrise, having family and friends, or the simple joy of experiencing our senses.  The positive list is endless.  The simple joy of life and being part of nature can go a long way to restoring our health and balance in our lives.

When we eliminate all the dirty laundry or negative news, we open space for light, peace, and joy to fill our lives.  We can begin by turning down the noise and immerse ourselves in silence.  Silence is golden, and the quiet will help bring harmony back into our lives.

With Love

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

An Orange


I once heard the expression be like an orange from Wayne Dyer.  Dr. Dyer goes on to explain that an orange remains constant no matter what.  When you squeeze an orange you get orange juice.

While many of us for the most part are caring or kind, we often react differently when we are squeezed.      
When we are in a good mood and life is treating us well, we can be friendly and generous with family, friends, even strangers.  But when life squeezes us, when we are stressed or frustrated when often are rude, mean, and ill tempered.  Especially, with the ones we love.  The family members that mean the most to us and do the most for us.

This concept of treating everyone including yourself with kindness at all times is a terrific idea although not always easy to do.  When you have children you are always balancing teaching them right from wrong, disciplining them, and encouraging them.  When we or someone else screws up it's hard to respond with kindness, but like anything else we can improve with practice. When my child's grades were not what I thought they should be I reacted with anger. Once a day or two passed, the frustration subsided and I was able to turn the experience into a teaching moment.  They say children our the best teachers.

Our reactions of anger and frustration instead of kindness are just the universe's way to telling us we have more to learn.

I like the idea of being like an orange and when I'm squeezed instead of pouring out sour grapes,  I can just let the pure sweet orange juice flow.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, November 15, 2012

There is Nothing More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come

"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come" is a quote attributed to the great French poet and author Victor Hugo who wrote Les Miserables.

Simply translated when the time is right nothing can stop a great idea. Money, power, armies, or force will not keep an idea from coming to fruition, from having the idea become a physical reality.  The time for America to be born as a country was ripe and the power and force of the mighty English military, the most powerful nation in the world at the time, could not defeat the fledgling, ragtag colonial militia.  Henry Ford and the automobile eliminated the horse and buggy and helped usher in American industrial excellence. Nothing could stop the physical manifestation once the idea was unleashed.

Sometimes the most important thing to do is to put the idea out there.  Once it is unleashed it becomes a force of its own.  A man on the moon, the airplane, electricity, the light bulb, the computer, the internet, universal communications via a cell phone. 25 years ago cell phones virtually did not exist.  Something as simple as Facebook, the electronic campfire that many of us gather around.

What are the next ideas whose time has come.  From a universal perspective how about peace on earth, the end of world hunger, or a car that gets a 100 miles to the gallon, or even better runs on water. On a more personal level, what ideas can we implement that will empower us.

Make a list of ideas that empower you, put them out there in the universe. Make the statement, declare your own powerful ideas whose time has come.

It all begins with asking the question and unleashing your power.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Friday, November 9, 2012

Love and Kindness

Two of the most powerful forces to counteract the cynicism and negativity we encounter in our world today are love and kindness.  When you finish rolling your eyes, hear me out.  We just finished the presidential election and we all were bombarded with the negative ads.  This low energy washes over us and depletes us.  The antidote is love and kindness.

When we start from a place of love and kindness towards ourselves and others, we keep ourselves upbeat, expectant, and positive.  We move from being reactionary, which is responding to anything that we encounter in a negative manner, and we live from the higher energy of proactivity.  We can respond with kindness when life hands us a challenging moment.

Instead of responding and reacting to every event that we encounter in our daily lives, we can choose to be proactive. We communicate that we expect good things in our lives and will overcome any obstacles or challenges that come our way.  We when treat others both friends and strangers with the love and kindness that they deserve, we exhibit that divine energy that we all possess.

Start by trying to be more proactive with yourself, limit the negative self talk and stop beating yourself up.  Limit your exposure to negativity whether it is the television, radio, or from your circle of family and friends. Next, start praising yourself and expressing gratitude for every little thing that shows up in your life. Surround yourself with people that empower you, that encourage you, that build you up.

Choose to live in the light. Fill your life with sunshine. Let this sunshine wash over you and embrace you, bask in the light. And shine this light on everyone you encounter.

With Love and Kindness,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K