Sunday, October 1, 2017

The American Revolution - Liberty Experiment

Being somewhat of a rebel myself, I've always been attracted to the American Revolution.  The 13 colonies rebelled against the King of England for the right to govern themselves and lead an independent life guided by self governance and self determination.  

The beauty of America begins with our history and the tremendous sacrifices made by many to help establish a nation that would provide lasting contributions to the world. 

John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Sam Adams and so many other patriots placed their very lives on the line in the belief that America would be independent and charter its own destiny.  

These Founding Fathers were convicted of treason by King George and were to be hanged if the experiment in self governance and the revolution failed. Despite their different backgrounds, educations,  beliefs, and motivations they would have to find common ground  if America was to succeed. The witty Ben Franklin famously quipped, "We must hang to together, or we most assuredly will hang apart." 

Farmers, iron smiths, school teachers, carpenters, rich and poor many strangers to one another left their families and fortunes stood side-by-side on the many battlefields of the revolution, against the worlds greatest superpower England with a vastly superior navy and army, and gave their lives dying in the mud and freezing weather, starving and half naked for this American experiment called Freedom.  

How many of us would do such a thing today to defend America, to preserve our freedom, to preserve freedom and liberty for the individuals all over the world?

That a man would have the right to choose his own life and by his hard work and determination could create the life he desired was the essence of America.  Success was not just for royalty, elites, and based upon name and birth-right, but was open and available to any man that sets out on that path. 

One of the critical elements of America's past, present, and future is unity. While we all have different backgrounds, beliefs, and desires like the Founding Fathers, we also must have an understanding and belief in something bigger than ourselves. A belief that America with all her flaws is a country of liberty, freedom, goodness, sacrifice, and self determination.  

We all as fellow citizens have a duty, a sacred honor to preserve our American ideals and our founding principles. To be an American means we share a love of country.  A patriot is after all simply someone that loves their country. 

We have so many fine examples of patriots that exhibited self sacrifice, humility, and perseverance and that shared the common thread that bonds us throughout the years, and that is a love of country. Let us be good stewards of the American dream, let's share the history of our great nation, and teach our children that to whom much is given, much is required. 

We all have been given much as American citizens. 

With sincere thanks and gratitude for all those patriots that helped build America, and have shown us all a path to continue America's glory. 

God Bless America!

Coach K

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