Tuesday, November 27, 2012

An Orange


I once heard the expression be like an orange from Wayne Dyer.  Dr. Dyer goes on to explain that an orange remains constant no matter what.  When you squeeze an orange you get orange juice.

While many of us for the most part are caring or kind, we often react differently when we are squeezed.      
When we are in a good mood and life is treating us well, we can be friendly and generous with family, friends, even strangers.  But when life squeezes us, when we are stressed or frustrated when often are rude, mean, and ill tempered.  Especially, with the ones we love.  The family members that mean the most to us and do the most for us.

This concept of treating everyone including yourself with kindness at all times is a terrific idea although not always easy to do.  When you have children you are always balancing teaching them right from wrong, disciplining them, and encouraging them.  When we or someone else screws up it's hard to respond with kindness, but like anything else we can improve with practice. When my child's grades were not what I thought they should be I reacted with anger. Once a day or two passed, the frustration subsided and I was able to turn the experience into a teaching moment.  They say children our the best teachers.

Our reactions of anger and frustration instead of kindness are just the universe's way to telling us we have more to learn.

I like the idea of being like an orange and when I'm squeezed instead of pouring out sour grapes,  I can just let the pure sweet orange juice flow.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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