Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dirty Laundry - Turn Down The Noise

It seems that everywhere you turn we are bombarded with the latest news.  The TV, newspapers, movies, and internet continue to inform us of the latest crisis, war, and natural disaster.  We all know that bad news sells.

We know that this bad news sells but do we know how it impacts us.  The United States is one of the most accomplished and wealthiest countries in the history of mankind, but we have high levels of disease, sickness, depression, and anxiety.  Every channel markets non stop that latest medication for the latest illness all in the name of health.  Our continuous exposure to this endless negativity is like being exposed to continual darkness without feeling the warmth of the sun.

We can make a conscious shift to limit or end this constant exposure to the news.  Do we wonder why sleeping pills are so popular when we watch the news for the crisis before we go to bed.  We can take back control by simply using the off button.  We need to limit the media exposure especially with our children that are so influenced by all the negativity.  Our reality is what we make it, yes there are bad things that happen but how about the many good things that happen in our daily lives that get totally ignored.

We should try an experiment. For a week, let's limit our exposure to negativity and focus on the goodness in our lives.  From simply waking up in the morning, enjoying a sunrise, having family and friends, or the simple joy of experiencing our senses.  The positive list is endless.  The simple joy of life and being part of nature can go a long way to restoring our health and balance in our lives.

When we eliminate all the dirty laundry or negative news, we open space for light, peace, and joy to fill our lives.  We can begin by turning down the noise and immerse ourselves in silence.  Silence is golden, and the quiet will help bring harmony back into our lives.

With Love

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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