Thursday, June 20, 2024

May The Force Be With You

 Star Wars

The year was 1977 and the classic blockbuster movie Star Wars was released.  I remember sitting in the movie theater as a young teenager just mesmerized.  When the movie ended I just sat in my seat not wanting the movie to end and not wanting to leave. 

The iconic movie created by George Lucas has had such an impact that it has influenced our culture to this very day. The plot is a familiar theme of good overcoming evil but with a futuristic space twist. The famous saying and slogan from the movie is, "May the Force be with you"

The Force referenced is a secular word for Spirit or God. This universal force that permeates everything we say and do.  And for so many of us that are not familiar with this God Force may I humbly suggest you get to know it.  We are here on earth and have the privilege to experience this gift called Life. It's disheartening when I hear so may young people discouraged by what's going on in the world today.  Don't believe the hype. The world has always had it's challenges but we have come so far at improving the lives of the human race.  There will always be challenges just like there is in our every day lives.  And we will overcome them all with the grace of God. 

You can harness this God force in your everyday life and use it to better your own life and the world as a whole. When we all live from our highest selves we can improve our society as a whole.  Our attitudes and beliefs can literally change the world.  Read about the life of Jesus and his teachings, focus on his spoken word which you can access in the Book of John from the bible. 

Jesus tells us that we can do all that he has done and more if we but believe and that we All we made in his divine image.  So let's use that power to help ourselves, our families, and the world at large.  Disconnect from the negativity and focus on the gift of life, the beauty, and all the goodness that abounds in the universe.  You have the choice and the decision is yours.  Your attitude can be the difference so choose to have a good attitude. 

And as the good book say, "This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad".

May the God force be with you!

With Love,

Coach K

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