Thursday, September 12, 2024

Healing The Broken Family

Fatherless Families

How do we heal the broken family? We have high divorce rates of over 45% and single parent households with a proliferation of Fatherless Families. We must return to strong families and strong communities.  There is no government solution that will overcome a broken family. 

I have the experience of coming from a single parent household where Mom raised four boys by herself. Mom with the grace of God was able to rise to the challenge provide a good home and good Faith based education and we all were able to pay our way through school and raise well adjusted children of our own. 

Mom taught us the experience of how to be committed to our families and our children. She was our heroine.  She stood tall despite the adversity. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is just to stay when the easiest thing to do is leave. Time will pass and the days of changing dirty diapers and crying babies will soon be replaced by teenagers that are ready to launch on their own. 

And no one tells parents that the most rewarding thing a person can do is raise their children. Government programs like food stamps and welfare can help when a parent is stuck raising the children solo, but that is no replacement for a two parent household.  The evidence is clear that children of two parent households perform better on every metric.

One of the most important things we can do as a society is stay together and raise our children.  Humans are inherently selfish but once we decide to have children we must put aside our selfish ways. I often think we treat our pets better than our children or spouses. 

One of the necessary ingredients in building a family is optimism.  Who wants to have children in a negative world.  So many of our children and youth have been conditioned that the world is a bad place or have come from dysfunctional families so what's the point.  The gift of life is a blessing and having children is a natural and normal thing to do.  Children aren't for everyone of course but we need to encourage families. 

Babies have been born during World Wars, Depressions, Natural Disasters, Nuclear bombs, and for thousands of years. If we think about it for a minute, none of us one be here without parents deciding to have children. 

With Love,

Coach K

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