Friday, October 25, 2013

Love - John Wooden


Love the quote from the great basketball coach John Wooden.

"The best thing a father can do for their kids is to Love their Mother"

How simple.  How powerful.  How true. 

And at times, how hard.  Couples have so many responsibilities but the most important is to simply love each other.  

When we take the time for that everything else seems to fall into place. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Simple Key To Fitness - Movement and the Jump Rope

Health and Fitness: The Jump Rope

The key to health and well being is movement.   Movement of any kind will do the trick. Walking, jogging, dancing, biking, hiking, whatever you enjoy. 

The important thing is to move.  When we don't move, we rust.  And rust leads to breakage.  Most of our ailments can be cured with movement.  Movement reduces stress, anxiety, and improves your mood. Exercise is the fountain of youth

One of my favorites that I've been doing for 30 plus years is jumping rope.  What I like about the jump rope is the convenience.  You can do it anywhere, it's a simple piece of equipment, and it's relatively easy to master.  The jump rope is low impact. You don't pound your joints or body.  The knees, feet, and joints aren't stressed as in other activities.

Jumping rope is great for our cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.  I was able to overcome a severe case of childhood asthma that included inhalers, pills, wheezing episodes, and oxygen tents with the help of the jump rope.  Jumping rope will strengthen the heart, lungs, and blood flow. 

You can jump rope on your patio, your driveway, your basement, garage, park, or wherever.  The combination of being outside soaking in the fresh air with exercise is a potent combination.

Many people are concerned about lacking coordination to jump rope.  No sweat.  Just begin.  Think back to the school days of simply jumping rope.  In no time you will become an expert.  One month after jumping, you will marvel at how proficient you have become. 

You can start with two minutes and work your way up.  You can jump at different intervals throughout the day. Jumping rope requires minimal commitment, no going to the gym, no driving, no special gear, or footwear, no memberships. Just a simple rope and YOU.

Jumping rope will change your life and help you become healthy, fit, and more alive. 

To your health.

With Love,

Coach K

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hafiz: The Generous Sun - A Love Story

Loving Generosity

The 14th century Persian poet Hafiz wrote that the sun provides its life sustaining rays, radiating warm light that provides life to everything.  Hafiz summed up love with the lyrical words -

Even after all this time
The Sun never says to the Earth

"You owe me"

Look what happens with a love like that
it lights up the whole sky

So let it be with us,  give for givings sake.  Be generous with our love, time, money, and energy.  Give without the need for getting.  A simple smile and compliment can change the world.

Bring this sentiment, this powerful idea, this knowing into our families, our communities, our workplaces, our hearts.

With a love like that, we can light up the whole world.

With Love,

Coach K

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hafiz on Happiness


Came across a beautiful quote from the 14th century Persian poet Hafiz,

"Ever since happiness heard your name, it's been running 
around the streets trying to find you"

What is Hafiz telling us.  We were born to be happy, born to be joyful, filled with hopes and dreams.  We were born in the image of God. We we choose happiness and joy we live from our higher divine selves.

When we acknowledge and live from the higher energy of happiness and joy we realize that today and each moment is a gift to be celebrated.  

Be thankful and filled with gratitude for the miracle that is you.  

With Love,

Coach K