Sunday, April 26, 2015

What You Think About Expands

Good Thoughts

We all heard of positive thinking,  having a good attitude, and trying to think good thoughts, but do we really know how powerful thought control can be. 

What we think about EXPANDS.   We have so many external forces working on us in our daily lives.  The hustle and bustle of raising children and work can wear on our thought process and attitudes.  When we turn on the news, or try and relax with entertainment and music we are often bombarded with negativity which affects or thought process and attitudes.   The latest war, terror attack, or crisis is broadcast daily and impacts us both passively and actively.  

We have a choice.  It's critical that we limit our external influences,  we need to turn off and tune out the constant negative bombardment.  You listen to the news and you think everyday the world is coming to an end.  But life goes on.  We need to take control, empower ourselves, and choose our inputs.  We do this with the food we eat and drink, if I eat junk food and drink soda my body knows it and feels it.   The same with the food we take into our minds.   Limit the junk we allow into our thoughts and emotions.   Choose good empowering influences. 

Think of the wonderful things you would like to do, accomplish, achieve.  Seek out examples and mentors that have accomplished what you would like to do.  Envision and see yourself achieving your desires.  Begin by writing it down and watch your accomplishments began to take shape and get done.  

Pay attention to your daily thinking  and attitude.  If you know experiencing the life you want, begin to make changes, and start with your thoughts, attitude, and Expectations.  

Begin to expect good things.  Continue to focus on those things that you want in your life no matter what is happening in your current circumstances.  Try and experiment for a week or month where you focus on positive outcomes, you turn off negative news and talk,  you sit quietly and imagine all the wonderful things you will accomplish.  See if you notice a difference in your life, it's a free and easy way to make an immediate dramatic impact on the life you want and deserve. 

What you focus on expands, so focus on the things you want in life. 

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Right or Wrong Choose Kindness


When faced between being right and being kind, choose kindness.   Instead of spending our energy arguing our point in an effort to prove how smart we are and how wrong the other person may be, we can simply each have our point of view.

Keep the peace.  Keep the friend.

Choose Kindness.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann