Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Plant The Seed


Everything we do in life begins with a thought an idea, a seed.  And just like the farmer plants the seeds to grow the crops, and the gardener to grow the tomatoes and flowers, so it is with us in realizing our goals and dreams. 

 Plant the seed.  When we think of the things we'd like to accomplish and achieve we can be intimidated or overwhelmed in trying to achieve all of these lofty wonderful things.  But before we start spinning our wheels, we simply start at the beginning and just begin by writing them down some will fall away and become unimportant over time other new ones will appear as your life and situation changes, it's all good. 

But just like the farmer we must plant our seeds of dreams and desires. We think about them, we plan for them, and most importantly we act on them. Step by step, one bite at time. We cultivate our soil, we plant our seed, we fertilize, and then sit back and let nature do it's thing with sunshine and rain. The farmer can water and weed if needed but he can hurry nature. He doesn't go out to the field and try pulling on the shoots to make the crops grow faster.  And so it is with us and our aspirations. 

Plant your dream! Nurture it and watch Nature do it's thing. Don't worry or fret do your part and nature and time will do the rest. But we must begin!  Nature of course is just another word for God.  And we know that with God all things possible. All things! 

For example, we all can have the goal of financial security.  We begin by paying ourselves first, saving a little, sacrificing a little. Whatever the amount $5, $10, whatever you can spare that money goes into your savings or investment account.  We plant the money seed, nurture it, and in time become financially secure.  We will have to do without, we will make sacrifices to achieve our goal.  I cutback on the Starbucks, buy the nice used car, give up smoking (double benny!).  These dreams are available to everyone one of us.  We all have reasons or excuses for not achieving something.  I'm too poor, I don't make enough, nobody loves me, life is unfair. 

 Balderdash and Fiddlesticks!!! 

We all have our mountains to climb and obstacles to overcome to achieve our desires and you and I are no different than the Great Achievers! So let's get busy living our best life our dream life. 

Plant the seed. Ask for God's help.  Because together we can do anything. 

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

And Jesus Said

 Jesus Speaks 

The Bible is a fascinating account of the life of Jesus and the story of creation recounting history through the lens of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The book tells the incredible life story and journey of humanity's greatest person Jesus Christ. The supernatural account is of Jesus who is sent by God The Father to save man from sin and is here on earth as a Divine being to teach us how to live a good life and how to love one another. 

There are many compelling stories, teachings, parables, and historical accounts told in the Bible but after years of study and reading one thought and idea remains a constant.  

Pay attention to the actual words of Jesus. What Jesus says. There are many preachers, ministers, and interpreters of biblical knowledge but you can crystalize the thoughts, ideas, teachings and most importantly Message of Jesus by just reading and listening to what he says.  

The Gospel of John has many verbatim quotes where Jesus speaks directly to the twelve Apostles and to us instructing them/us on how to live, how to teach, and how to spread his word and Good News. 

I love reading Jesus' inspiring words and I find that many us can benefit from his teachings if we have the incredible benefit of being exposed to his life giving philosophy. 

One such pearl from from Jesus is this quote from the Book of John verse 14,

  "12Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

 Read the passage slowly and let the words sink in deeply.  Let them wash over you and penetrate your very core. Let them fill your mind, your heart, and your soul with comfort and joy. Jesus walks with us and is here to help and guide us if we simply ask. This concept of giving and receiving is a universal theme.  Abundance, goodness, kindness, love, life received. Charity, compassion, kindness, understanding given. Wow! Incredible. 

We know that like Jesus we are made in God's image and we have a divine soul and Holy Spirit inside our human body. We can choose to live from this divine essence and experience all the wonderful fulfillment life has to offer.  When we live from this higher consciousness we can access these supernatural gifts while benefiting ourselves, our families, our community, and our world. 

This is not magic, it is not hokum, it is not reserved for the pious, religious, the learned, or even the righteous these supernatural gifts reside in all of us and can be accessed if we are willing. We all are human and like Jesus experience the trials and tribulations of daily living, but as he instructs us in John verse 33

 " I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

We can rise above our human existence and accomplish all that he has done and more. Incredible yes.  But we are called by belief and faith to rise up go out into the world to try and live a good life, to do unto others as we would want done to us, to be good and to do good, and most of all to love one another.

We will stumble, we will fall, and when we do God will be there for us picking us up, dusting us off, and like a good parent encouraging us onward to keep moving forward, to keep the faith, and to be our best selves and live our best lives for that is where we will find joy, contentment, and fulfillment. 

Take a look at the direct quotes and words of Jesus and let those divine words of wisdom wash over you, cleanse you, renew you, and heal you.  Words have power and Jesus' words have the power to transform and help us live the life we never imagined. Choose your words carefully fill your heart and mind with inspiring, hopeful, limitless, ideas of possibility, accomplishment, and achievement.  We are here on this blessed earth to soar, to excel, to glorify God's goodness. 

And as Jesus said directly, "I have come not to judge the world, but to save it." We are not here to judge or to be judged. Live the best life you can, dream and achieve, do great works while being loving, compassionate, and caring.  Keep God and His Word close and they will give you peace. We have been given the gift and miracle of Life let us live humbly and happily with that powerful understanding and share that goodness and light with the world.

I will leave you with another of my favorite quotes from Matthew verse 20,

"With the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains"

God Bless. 

With Love,

Coach K

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

3 Simple Steps To Optimal Health in 2024 - BSG

 Optimal Health 

As we begin 2024, time to renew our health and well being.  A statistic is out there that says we spend 98% or more of our time indoors, from the home, to the office, to the car, to the gym, to the store. An overwhelming amount of our time is spent indoors. We need to get outside immersed in nature, drinking the fresh air, and responsibly soaking the good sun. 

A few simple easy convenient and best of all free steps can propel us on way to optimal health.

1.  The Breath.  The one constant in each of our lives is our breath.  Our very existence is based on the life giving oxygen provided by the air we breath.  When we harness this power in can have a tremendous impact on our health and well being.  A simple exercise of Mindful breathing can improve our blood pressure, heart health, and lower stress and anxiety. Begin with one exhale breath through the mouth. Then inhaling through the nose hold you breath for a comfortable count, and then exhale  for a comfortable count through the mouth.  Repeat 4 times. And feel free to do multiple times throughout the day.  This breathing practice will produce compounded beneficial results as you continuing the practice. 

2. The Sun. Limited exposure to morning sun or soft sun provides Vitamin D or the Sunshine vitamin that has tremendous benefits to our health.  Responsible and limited sun exposure can improve our mindset, mood, and enhance our overall outlook. While sun exposure done negligently can be dangerous, proper sunning can work wonders. Use eye protection when necessary.  And avoid the hot burning mid day sun when possible. 

3. The Ground. Grounding or Earthing is simply plugging into to the natural electromagnetic waves of the earth.  By just removing our shoes and walking barefoot on the grass, sand, or ground we can rejuvenate and restore our bodies by reducing inflammation.  Doing this on a sustained daily basis can be restorative and healing. Try and go barefoot when feasible but at least 5 minutes daily.

BSG practiced daily in unison can have a dramatic impact on our health and well being all simply by harnessing the God given sustenance provided by nature.  Interestingly, we are not talking about strenuous exercise or expensive gyms or supplements.  Simply going outside and harnessing nature can restore the Optimal You. 

To Your Health!

With Love,

Coach K

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - We are Spirits

 We Are Spirits

A powerful idea and quote from the French philospher and spiritualist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  How many of us know or believe this or even aware that we have a spiritual side.  We are so consumed with daily life and the necessities and demands of everyday living, that we forget our higher spiritual selves. For many of us we have no experience or knowledge of this part of our being or human experience.  

We we seek, learn, and begin to experience this other part of our selves we tap into a limitless resource that will enhance our lives in a profound and deeply meaningful way.  We can transform ourselves and our lives in ways we never thought or even imagined possible.  

Begin a journey of self discovery seeking out that higher limitless spiritual side of you that will help you become the best possible you imaginable. 

With Love,

Coach K

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Gift


We are bombarded daily with a stream of news, advertisements, and demands on our time and attention.  Social media, TV, Movies, music, entertainment in every form.  And we get this constant buzz of information from every device phones, tvs, pcs, cars, radios, and yes even our speakers.  

Our children are being told the world is ending due to climate change, that they should question their identity, and can be manipulated at every turn. Parenting is paramount. 

And yet during these apparently troubled times, it's important to understand how Blessed we all are to be part of the Divine Dance of life.  The gift of life and the ability to contribute, to experience, to live, love, and thrive is available to all of us. 

We have the power.  We have the choice to choose what we feed ourselves our Spirits our Souls, our Hearts and Minds.  Do we just allow ourselves and our children to ingest these negativity and poison ourselves.  No! There is a better way.

Throughout time there is always challenges with daily living war, famine, disasters but we have this supernatural ability to overcome, to rise above, to succeed.  With our trust in God, and the acknowledgement of our own divine abilities, we can create a life and world that is truly spectacular. 

Each of us has the responsibility to be that Beacon that Light to not only our friends and love ones but also everyone we meet.  In Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol, Scrooge comments that his boss Feziwig how the power to make his burden heavy or light.  What a beautiful sentiment.  Easing the burden of others just by a simple interaction. 

As I have grown and matured, I have this sense that there is an urgent need to counteract pessimism in our society and even more importantly our youth.  With the past two years of the Covid pandemic that shut down our normal everyday lives, the Fear in our lives has been amplified to historic levels. 

For many of us it has been one of the most significant experiences in our lives and similar to the historic world events of the Great Depression or WWII. The recent Pandemic experience combined with today's Climate Change rhetoric as left many of us with a dour, pessimistic, even fatalistic view of life. This has impacted the psyche, outlooks, and attitudes of children and youth tremendously. 

We the adults that have more experience dealing and overcoming adversities in our lives have a responsibility to teach, parent, and lead by example. We must share and inform that throughout history and the millennium we have overcome every human and natural tragedy and so it is with today. 

What is essential message that we should tell ourselves and our children, simply that "Everything will be OK, everything will work out, every that happens in our lives, will be overcome"

We as the elders and the adults of society must counteract the hysteria which is elevating anxiety and depression levels.  We and our children and over medicated. We need to limit our and our children's exposure to violence and pessimism in our media, social media, entertainment, music, and every day interactions.  We must protect the innocence and idealism of childhood and youth and let them move into adolescence and adulthood in a normal and traditional manner.  Our anxieties and fears should not become our children's and it is our collective responsibility to promote and ensure their happiness but also our Own!  And naturally the overarching goal of Parenting.  It is our fiduciary responsibility!

So, let's us be Steward of Happiness and Optimism.  Let us be the Light and remember the blessed Gift of Life that we and our children share and live from that highest ideal no matter what the daily circumstances of life may bring. 

With Love,

Coach K

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Dream Big

This concept of Service is fundamental to the improvement of our lives and perhaps even more importantly to the benefit of humanity and society as a whole. 

 We can start by asking the question, How may I Serve? 

What can I offer to benefit others. A talent, an idea, a thought, an act of kindness or generosity, a resource whatever the contribution share it with the world. Even the smallest act, such as a smile to some stranger that is having a tough day, may resound throughout the universe impacting life in unimaginable ways.

When we tap in to our natural talents and desires we unleash a power and energy that can change and uplift our lives and the lives of others.  We move from the humdrum of daily living to the explosiveness of being Alive. 

When we follow our natural inclinations and intuitions we can uncover and unearth tremendous possibilities. When we give ourselves the time and space to think and explore our own potential, and disconnect from the noise and well intentioned public opinion, we can seek and find our bliss, for that's where our heart and desire reside which will compel us to unimaginable achievement.  

When we live from this unlimited part of our higher selves we tap into our spiritual resources that will benefit us and humanity. 

Take time to think and reflect on how we may serve. 

The answer may surprise, inspire, and propel you to heights you never dreamed possible. 

 With Love,


Coach K