Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Plant The Seed


Everything we do in life begins with a thought an idea, a seed.  And just like the farmer plants the seeds to grow the crops, and the gardener to grow the tomatoes and flowers, so it is with us in realizing our goals and dreams. 

 Plant the seed.  When we think of the things we'd like to accomplish and achieve we can be intimidated or overwhelmed in trying to achieve all of these lofty wonderful things.  But before we start spinning our wheels, we simply start at the beginning and just begin by writing them down some will fall away and become unimportant over time other new ones will appear as your life and situation changes, it's all good. 

But just like the farmer we must plant our seeds of dreams and desires. We think about them, we plan for them, and most importantly we act on them. Step by step, one bite at time. We cultivate our soil, we plant our seed, we fertilize, and then sit back and let nature do it's thing with sunshine and rain. The farmer can water and weed if needed but he can hurry nature. He doesn't go out to the field and try pulling on the shoots to make the crops grow faster.  And so it is with us and our aspirations. 

Plant your dream! Nurture it and watch Nature do it's thing. Don't worry or fret do your part and nature and time will do the rest. But we must begin!  Nature of course is just another word for God.  And we know that with God all things possible. All things! 

For example, we all can have the goal of financial security.  We begin by paying ourselves first, saving a little, sacrificing a little. Whatever the amount $5, $10, whatever you can spare that money goes into your savings or investment account.  We plant the money seed, nurture it, and in time become financially secure.  We will have to do without, we will make sacrifices to achieve our goal.  I cutback on the Starbucks, buy the nice used car, give up smoking (double benny!).  These dreams are available to everyone one of us.  We all have reasons or excuses for not achieving something.  I'm too poor, I don't make enough, nobody loves me, life is unfair. 

 Balderdash and Fiddlesticks!!! 

We all have our mountains to climb and obstacles to overcome to achieve our desires and you and I are no different than the Great Achievers! So let's get busy living our best life our dream life. 

Plant the seed. Ask for God's help.  Because together we can do anything. 

With Love,

Coach K

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