Tuesday, January 16, 2024

3 Simple Steps To Optimal Health in 2024 - BSG

 Optimal Health 

As we begin 2024, time to renew our health and well being.  A statistic is out there that says we spend 98% or more of our time indoors, from the home, to the office, to the car, to the gym, to the store. An overwhelming amount of our time is spent indoors. We need to get outside immersed in nature, drinking the fresh air, and responsibly soaking the good sun. 

A few simple easy convenient and best of all free steps can propel us on way to optimal health.

1.  The Breath.  The one constant in each of our lives is our breath.  Our very existence is based on the life giving oxygen provided by the air we breath.  When we harness this power in can have a tremendous impact on our health and well being.  A simple exercise of Mindful breathing can improve our blood pressure, heart health, and lower stress and anxiety. Begin with one exhale breath through the mouth. Then inhaling through the nose hold you breath for a comfortable count, and then exhale  for a comfortable count through the mouth.  Repeat 4 times. And feel free to do multiple times throughout the day.  This breathing practice will produce compounded beneficial results as you continuing the practice. 

2. The Sun. Limited exposure to morning sun or soft sun provides Vitamin D or the Sunshine vitamin that has tremendous benefits to our health.  Responsible and limited sun exposure can improve our mindset, mood, and enhance our overall outlook. While sun exposure done negligently can be dangerous, proper sunning can work wonders. Use eye protection when necessary.  And avoid the hot burning mid day sun when possible. 

3. The Ground. Grounding or Earthing is simply plugging into to the natural electromagnetic waves of the earth.  By just removing our shoes and walking barefoot on the grass, sand, or ground we can rejuvenate and restore our bodies by reducing inflammation.  Doing this on a sustained daily basis can be restorative and healing. Try and go barefoot when feasible but at least 5 minutes daily.

BSG practiced daily in unison can have a dramatic impact on our health and well being all simply by harnessing the God given sustenance provided by nature.  Interestingly, we are not talking about strenuous exercise or expensive gyms or supplements.  Simply going outside and harnessing nature can restore the Optimal You. 

To Your Health!

With Love,

Coach K

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