Thursday, December 30, 2021


 I was enjoying Disney's Alladin movie and while the genie was granting Alladin his three wishes Alladin asked the all powerful genie what he would wish for if he had a wish.

And do you know what the genie wished for?

Something we take for granted in this great country of ours. Something we enjoy everyday. What is this thing that the all powerful genie desired?

In a word Freedom.

Freedom is what propels America. What  we all desire. What we all enjoy. People from all over the world want to come to America to have a taste of our brand of Freedom. 

We need to be vigilant about taking our hard earned freedom for granted. Many across the globe do not enjoy the liberties and freedoms that we exercise in our daily lives. 

We must remember the many Patriots that sacrificed so much for the Freedom we enjoy today. Many of us just take for granted what we enjoy in our country today or we too busy complaining about everything else that we lose sight of the blessings we enjoy. 

When you focus on what you don't have you lose sight of what you do have. 

And if Freedom is wish of the the all powerful genie than surely it it something we should all treasure. 

Thank you to all the Freedom fighters that have gone before us.  God has blessed America and as famous Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin once said, "We have a Republic if we can keep it".  Our country, our way of life, our freedom must be protected, preserved, and earned every single day. Government over-reach, needless regulation, endless bureaucracy, can slowly erode these precious gifts. 

So when we take stock of all our bounty. Start with the most precious of all.


God Bless. 

With Love,

Coach K

Monday, December 27, 2021

Healthy You!


Our Health comes first.  Our bodies are the Temples in which we do the Lord's work.  And we need to feed it nurture it and care for it with good nutrition, exercise, and rest. 

The jump rope is fun, convenient, portable, and a tremendous overall low impact workout that's excellent for the cardio, pulmonary, muscles, bones, and joints. The entire body!

Jumping elevates you heart rate and gets the heart pumping  filling our lungs with fresh oxygen and feeding your entire body with nutrients while removing the waste, toxins and cleansing our bodies.

The beauty of the rope is that you can do it ANYWHERE! basement, garage, foyer, driveway, patio, even the grass with the Jumpless rope.  Any you can buy a vinyl rope for around $2!

Start slowly but START.

Movement is the key to LIFE.  We need to get Moving!

And remember for you doubters, 

With God All Things Are Possible!

Let's Go!

To Your Health!

With Love,

Coach K

Creating Your Reality


What is Reality? 

Answer whatever you want it to be.  Sounds simple enough.  But how do we create our reality? With our minds, our thinking, our thoughts, our actions, our doing! Afterall, who chooses what you think and what you do? 

YOU DO! We CHOOSE. It is up to us. 

If it is to BE it is up to ME!!!

Easy right.  So make those CHOICES wisely.  If you fill yourself with junk food and alcohol you become JUNK. And ask yourself if you are made in the image of God and can claim your own divinity why would you do anything else.  Do we think that drinking soda and eating chips, becoming overweight sluggish and lazy is better than having unlimited energy, freedom of movement, and vitality. 

What "Food" our we feeding our minds and our soul or Holy Spirit.  Are we watch junk reality TV or pornography, are we watching violent sports, tv, and movies that give us nightmares and cause sleeplessness. Violent video games with shooting and mayhem.  And having our young children follow in our footsteps.  And then we wonder why everyone is anxious, depressed, and is on all kinds of medicine. 

How about flipping the switch and programming.  Instead of negative programming we use positive programming.  Read some positive thinking books, listen to uplifting music and watch inspiring movies and shows. That is our reality.  Anything we do for paper painted with nice green art versus what we do that is of real value love, friendship, charity, and peace.  Do something we love and sharing it with others making our families, communities, and world a better place is a much better investment.  The abundance will flow to you and follow you.  Just stay the course and stay positive.

The first thing we all must do is get to know God.  God first and foremost wants to be friends with us.  Just like a parent and child loving relationship. We are made in God's image and it is a miracle we made it to this life on earth.  Keep this knowing in your heart and let it be your daily mantra to elevate you through our lives. Have a conversation. God is listening and ready to help.  But we must also take time to listen.  We need to quiet ourselves and our lives, let the peace and tranquility of the Holy Spirit wash over us, cleanse us, and invigorate us. 

Begin each day in humble gratitude with the simple thought and prayer 

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us Rejoice and be Glad.  Thank you God for this day. Thank you thank you thank you. 

Each day, each moment, each breath is a blessing from God.  Everything else we do is a bonus so live life with joy, passion, goodness, and with peace.  God stands for Good.  Do good, be good, get good be one with God.  This will propel us to our dreams, our desires, our successes. 

We are Happy Warriors filled with God's love and we go out in the world and share that love, joy, and peace with every we interact with for in lifting others up we lift ourselves.  We can be a light to others that may be struggling or need a hand up.  They can see us and be inspired.  

If we want a better world for ourselves, our children, and others we simply need to start living from our higher better selves and choosing the Good. We know what to do we must simply do it. 

Let's Go!

With Love,

Coach K 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Owning Your Joy

 Let It Begin With Me

The virus, inflation, toilet paper shortages, high gas prices, tornadoes, and quarantines. How can we feel joyful amidst this supposed gloom.  

Easy.  What we focus on expands.  We control our own reality.  When we let outside sources determine our happiness, well being, and state of joy, we surrender our bliss to outside sources.  Naturally, we feel compassion, empathy, and charity to other in times of need. But we do not surrender our joy, our happiness, our bliss to anything or anyone. 

While the media streams and the negativity and tragedy du jour we gobble it up by the spoonful when we decide to tune it and eat the junk food for our minds and psyches.  Thanks but no thanks. 

We have a choice. We create our own realities. We can choose happiness, joy, and peace.

Do we treat each day as a gift, a blessing, that must be treasured. Honored.  We are surrounded by love and light.  Whether it's your children, your wife, your husband, mother, father, brother, sister, or friends.  We have our health, our job, our pets.  Good girl Shay Shay!

Turn down the violence, the Negative news, the doom and gloom. Turn off the TV! Shut it OFF!

Spend some time praying, meditating, with friends, with nature, laughing, exercising, get outside, soak up the fresh air and sunshine.  Take your new found time and rebuild your health and wellness. Spend your time being creative, building that business, trying that new skill you always wanted to do. Read a book.  We do remember books right!  Volunteer, mentor, we have so many wonderful ways to spend our time

There is a big beautiful world out there that is full of love, peace, and joy.

We just need to remember that we find what were looking for so let's start looking in the right place.

Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, December 19, 2021


 Thank You

A simple prayer I like to start and end each day is to simply say
Thank You God! 
I often repeat this throughout the day.  
A simple way to acknowledge all of the blessings and the tremendous abundance we experience each day. 
The simple act of acknowledging the incredible experience of another day, another sunrise, a loving family and friends, good health, or the wind and rain in your face keeps me humble and filled with gratitude. 
So I leave you with a Thank you for taking the time to join me. 
Merry Christmas!
With Love,
Coach K

Health Prescription

 Well Being

How often when we feel tired, nervous, having a cough or a sniffle do we run for the medicine cabinet or the doctor's for a pill or a prescription. This time of year with all the hustle and bustle when can get a little tired and rundown.
When the best thing medicine is right outside in the fresh air.  Did you ever notice that when you just need a break or you are feeling a little frustrated that if you just talk a brisk walk outside you instantly feel better.  
Nature and fresh air is a powerful antidote to whatever ails us.  Go for a walk, a jog, or a run and make it part of your normal routine and watch how the calmness washes over you and any tension just melts away. 
Another powerful health tonic is Quiet.  We need to turn down the noise and just enjoy the peace and silence.  When we are quiet, still, and silent we make space to feel God presence, joy, and love. Be still and know that I am God.
Especially, in these times of working from home, schooling from home, and spending more overall time in our homes we need to make a concerted effort to get out and bask in the sunshine and fresh air.  

Before we reach for the synthetic, give the natural a try it may be just what the Doctor ordered.

To your health with love,

Dr. Q


Blow It Up

The Virus. The tornadoes. The violence.  The politics. The inflation. The climate.

A stream of negativity. The world is bad. People are bad. 


Is your reality my reality?

Who determines your reality? 

What you think, believe, and focus on becomes you and your reality. 

We can see a tornado and a beautiful sunrise.  We can experience both and feel compassion and wonder at the same time.  The key is what do we focus on what do we believe and how does that shape our attitude. 

We can see violence or we can see charity, kindness, and love.  
We can see ugly or we can choose beauty. 
Loss or gain. 
Struggle or victory.

Is the single mother who raised her children to be productive members of the community any less successful than Elon Musk or Warren Buffet.  The material world is full of illusion and since it's our lives we get to choose what we make real. 

So choose your focus, beliefs, and attitude wisely for you'll find that whatever your looking for peace, health, love, wealth, passion, or any other thing that's exactly what you will find. 

What we focus on expands.  If we watch violence, bad news, and surround ourselves in that reality we will find ourselves anxious, worried, fearful, and depressed.  But it we choose our own reality the fresh air, sunshine, nature, love and kindness we see a new world of goodness of hope and expectation.  A world full of love and abundance. 

We live a life of Faith not a life of fear.   What flows from all the negativity is fear. Fear of this fear of that fear of failure. All lies. 

Our life of Faith knows that we a given the gift of life in this day in this moment we must rejoice and be glad.  Our opportunity is tremendous and our simple act of kindness, love, charity, and grace is the most powerful force in the world and showers us with immeasurable blessings. 

When our Faith is strong God anoints us with success and abundance.  We ask and receive and share it all back for then we find our abundance and blessings just continue to pour into our lives. 

Turn down the fear better yet turn it off.  Yes, we know in this world there are challenges there always is and always will be but down through history we have overcome all of these obstacles and thrived. 

And so will you.  We overcome any obstacles with our unrelenting Faith and Divine Spirit.  We are unconquerable! With the Faith of the tiny mustard seed we can accomplish the impossible. 

Turn your focus on the beautiful, the positive, immerse yourself, bathe yourself in goodness, light, connect with your divine self and your divine God and let the Holy Spirit fill you with the wonder and possibility of life.  

It is our choice. What we focus on expands. And if is to be it is up to me.

With the help of the Good Lord of course. 

So, now that we know we can replace that four letter word with an inspiring, powerful, five letter word


Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 Living Our Best Life

How do we live our best life now. Today.  We simply live in the moment.  And treat each precious moment as the gift that it is.  This holiday time of the year when everyone is bustling and looking to get things done by yearend before enjoying the Christmas season we need to just take a breath relax and remember that this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad. 

The gift of the day, the moment is really all that matters.  The work is always there and when the days work is done we let it go and stay in the moment.  Too much of our energy is in the past or in the future. The past is but a memory and the future and tomorrow will take care of itself.  We need to just put our faith in God and trust in the abundance that continues to flow into our lives.  We just humbly and gratefully acknowledge these gifts and share it back with others.  Giving and receiving.  The more we give the more we receive.  Universal principles of life. 

When we keep focus on these spiritual truths fear, worry, and doubt vanish.  God feeds the birds of the sky surely we will be fed and cared for in even greater abundance. 

We have so much and yet we all strive for more as I rush to order gifts, clothe, and shoes, as our closets, houses and lives overflow with stuff.  We all get caught up in the wonder of Christmas. 

But lets also make time for the silence the quiet that helps us connect back to Spirit to God and to our individual divinity.  For it is in this Holy Spirit that we are at peace, calm, rejuvenated, and alive. 

Thank you Father for the most wonderful time of year. 

God Bless. God Speed. 

With Love,

Coach K 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Shay - Our Cavalier King Charles


It just hit me Dog spelled backwards is 


Now we know why dogs are man's best friend.  And so it is with us and our lovely, beautiful, gentle, and graceful member of the family Shay.  Shay is our 12 year old Cavalier King Charles that was a gift for our 10 year old daughter Morgan. Morgan is the first girl in the family after ten consecutive boys and the girl that Grandmom K always wanted.  

So, when she began asking for a dog at the age of three she planted the seed with Mom and Dad. We had three  little lovebirds at the time so things were a little busy, so we waited when they could all chip in and help nurture our little precious puppy. Cavaliers are wonderful family dogs, so gentle, and terrific with children.  And she is so cute! 

Now fast forward twelve years Morgan is a college graduate and an independent strong successful young woman and our puppy is now 84 and the Head of the household.  What wonderful teachers dogs are and this our loving best girl Shay.  

Why do people love dogs? 

Unconditional love is the reason.  Always a wagging tail to greet you. Our Shay always has a smile and kind word, is ready to snuggle and sit on your lap or snore in your ear to put you at ease. She's never grumpy, mean, or angry.  She just wants to sit with you enjoy your company and be your friend. 

Friendship and love is really just about being there for each other. The room can be silent but you can feel the love. Just her gentle presence has brought so much joy and happiness to our home and taught us all to be better human beings.  I asked my bride what was the one thing we did for the family after 35 years. She suggested travel as a family, but I think Shay rates much higher.  Will have to poll the Lovebirds.  Shay wins hands down. 

Our sister just got a tricolor puppy named Remi and she had the same wonderful spirit just a tad more energy. 

Our new family slogan is, "Get Yourself a Cavalier".  Our children gave me a wonderful Father's Day gift with a picture of Shay and I with the very same caption.

To state it simply Cavaliers are great lovers!  Can the same be said for us. 

Do yourself a favor and Get Yourself a Cavalier!

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, December 5, 2021

David McCullough - America's Historian


David McCullough has written two Pulitzer prize winning history books.  The books are Harry Truman and John Adams. 

"May you live every day of your life" from Jonathan Swift is his favorite quote.  A fellow Irish writer of Gulliver's Travels. 

One of my favorite David McCullough books is 1776 which describes the essential year in the battle for Freedom and Independence during the Revolutionary war in which the rag tag Continental Army ultimately bested the mighty Great Britain. 

How the farmer, copper, tinsmith, blacksmith, and book keeper became citizen soldiers and left their families, farms, and livelihoods to fight for the cause of Liberty.  These heroes would sacrifice their lives and fortunes so that we may enjoy our freedoms, comfort, and prosperity. 

We look back now 250 years later and find fault and shortcomings.  Such foolishness.  Which of us can withstand the scrutiny of history.  Instead of judging and casting aspersions better to just say thank you and be grateful for all the abundance that we have enjoyed due to the bravery of such people. 

David McCullough brings this heroes to life and shines the light on their stories and how America became the shining city on a hill within the short time period of a 100 years. 

Liberty and freedom are powerful forces that we can harness to keep America shining bright for years to come.

With Love,

Coach K

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Good to Great

We all try to do our best whether it's sports, work, family, cooking, or health.  Whatever our passions. And while it's fantastic to strive for greatness and to be the best.  

We want to remember  that on our way to greatness that goodness is also a good place to be.  Good to great is fantastic.  We sometimes can get frustrated because we are still working towards greatness or perfection.  And that is fine.  

We will get there with a little patience and perseverance.  

See you goals high and work towards achieving them.  The journey is the best part of the experience. 

So as we climb the ladder of success, remember that the fastest way to get there is to lift others up, for when we do they in turn pull us up to places beyond our imagination.  The great Zig Ziglar said, "you can get anything you want if you just help enough people get what they want."  Simply brilliant. 

You are doing fine.  Keep moving forward more importantly keep moving!

Great is great! But good is great also!

God Bless.

With Love,

Coach K

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Palestra - Benjamin Franklin

 The Palestra

Benjamin Franklin University also know as the The University of Pennsylvania is founded by one of America's first citizens in the Cradle of Liberty, the city of Philadelphia. 

Dr. Franklin was America's foremost philanthropist and indeed the world leading scientist in the 1700's. From the firehouse, stove, bifocals, higher education, and of course the founding of America and Independence. Speaking of Founders. Thomas Jefferson graduate of William and Mary founded the University of Virginia.  These two great universities and many others located in the Philadelphia area are the backbone of America's leading higher learning institutions.  Let Freedom ring. 

One of the many historical milestones on campus is The Palestra the school's legendary gymnasium built in 1927 with a capacity of 10,000.  The building was iconic in that it was made from concrete without any beams obstructing views.  The first game in front of a capacity crowd had Penn defeating Yale 26-15.  

As we close in on the 100 year Centennial of the Palestra, the iconic building and Cathedral of College Basketball has hosted more college basketball games than any other facility in the world.  A must visit when coming to historic Philadelphia. The architecture provides for close proximity to the playing floor and excellent site lines throughout the building.  The name Palestra (Greek for gathering place) came from a Penn Greek professor William N. Bates. 

As Penn gets ready to host Villanova on Wednesday 12/1/2021 at 7pm in Philadelphia we hope to be in attendance adding to the glory of the venerable Palestra. 

Perhaps the plaque inside The Palestra explains the arena’s aura best.

 It reads: “To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."

With Love,

Coach K

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Self Determination

 During these unprecedent times and the year's challenges, it's easy to surrender our goals and aspirations. 

 Keep the faith.  We shall overcome. 

If it is to be, it is up to me .

We have this incredible ability and obligation to achieve our potential.  To make our lives a masterpiece and become the best we can be. 

It is our sacred duty to take this miracle of life and do the best we can.  Life is what we make it.  You determine what you will be, what you will achieve.  Never surrender your desires, or goals, to anyone, or anything. 

We have to keep our balance and take time to tune in and focus on the positive around us.  Turn down the news. 

The Good Lord gave us our answer.  Nature!

Get away from the news and focus on your aspirations.  

We have this day, this moment, this breath. 

Let us rejoice and be glad.

God Bless.

With Love,

Coach K

Nourish Yourself

 You Are What You Eat

We focus these days on eating clean, or vegan, or vegetarian, or keto, or just plain trying to eat a little healthier.  And while it's important to feed the Temple, the body, the good stuff it just as important or even more important to feed or better nourish our spirits and minds.

We consume so much junk food when it comes to entertainment.  Is it violent video games, movies, music, news, reality television, and social media.  All of these of wonderful instruments when used and consumed properly.  

But we must choose wisely.

Just like when we choose to eat more fruits and veggies instead of a stream of fast food. We need to ingest, watch, view the good stuff when it comes to entertainment.  The violence and negativity suppresses our immune systems and more importantly impacts our psyche or spirit. The barrage of negativity leads to crankiness, anxiety, and stress. Try enjoying more upbeat entertainment,  or reading uplifting material, or simply just disconnect from it all.  Yes, turn it off.  The silence, quiet, and solitude is an elixir and will wash over us like a healing balm. 

And remember the Bible or other spiritual texts.  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  Choosing our words thoughtfully, kindly, and lovingly to ourselves and others will help us feel lighter, refreshed, positive, and hopeful. 

Give it a try.  And just disconnect from the negativity.  What you think is entertaining a MMA fighter breaking a leg, or the reality show screaming and constant arguing, or the movies with the shootings, violence and mayhem are not reality.  

We create our own realities.  We are what we eat. 

Try being more mindful and thoughtful of what your Spirit consumes and when you do feed it the good stuff what how your Spirit soars, your mood improves, and your feel lighter and happier.  You won't need the medicines, the alcohol, the drugs, or other things to "make you feel better".   

You will find that when nourished properly you have everything you need. 

 God Bless. 

With Love,

Coach K

Friday, November 26, 2021

Ronnie Lott

 Exhausting Life

I was watching a NFL special on the exceptional Ronnie Lott Hall of Fame football player for the San Francisco 49er's who played with tremendous enthusiasm.  He was driven to excel in every game but more importantly ever play.  

He had a passion for achievement and a driving desire for immediate success.  Being from a military family he would listen to a speech from General George Patton on American exceptionalism to prepare himself and get in the proper mindset before every game. 

His personal mantra is that he wanted to exhaust life. Leave nothing in the tank and give his all in every game. 

What if we all brought that same passion and attitude to our work and play. 

We too could be Hall of Famers. 

With Love,

Coach K

The Turkey Bowl

 Wawa has nothing on my culinary creation.   I have created the Turkey Bowl that is simply put better than Thanksgiving dinner. 

Yes, that is a big statement. 

Turkey Bowl recipe:

Take all your leftovers and put them in a saucepan. 

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberries (if you choose) and anything else you may enjoy with your Thanksgiving meal.  The key is the GRAVY!  Gravy makes everything taste better so add copious amounts of gravy.  And you can also add water to thin if you choose.  

Now, just heat it up and flavor to taste. 

The end result is a culinary masterpiece that is the ultimate comfort food that sticks to your ribs. 

Just what you need after a blustery chilly day of blowing leaves in 30 mph gusts.  Fun. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


With Love,

Coach K 

EGO - Edge God Out

 Our Ego's can be a hard master.  I, I, I.  Me, Me, Me.  

How do we disconnect from the inherent selfishness or turn it down to just background noise when we can find instant gratification all around us.  From an Amazon box to a mouse click.  When we focus all our energies on ourselves and limit our growth and spiritual development. 

If we think of our EGO's as that noise that keeps up busy, busy, busy on running around try to accomplish all of life's daily tasks.  You know the ones we never really are able to complete and we're are somehow left wanting more. 

From my friend and mentor, Dr. Wayne Dyer, EGO stands for Edge God Out.  The more we focus on the EGO demands we find less time for the the spiritual needs of love, hope, charity, faith, consideration, cooperation, and community,  We become so focused on our wants and needs that we forget we are here to serve. 

Our service enables us to live from our higher selves and experience the joy and bliss of our spiritual selves.  While our human selves splash around in the material world our spiritual self thirsts for something more. 

What is that something?  

A relationship with God.  Better said, a Friendship.  Worship and sacrifice are lovely words but the key word is friendship.  As Dr D. states again whatever name you want to give God is your business, but the important thing is to get to know God.  Have a conversation, a prayer, a meditation, and then listen.  Asking is a wonderful way to start.  Ask for peace, love, health, or even that new car.  

And then be patient, humble, and when your prayers are answered we respond in graceful gratitude. 

And when we understand all of these tremendous blessings, we learn to become givers ourselves and in giving and sharing we live from our higher spiritual selves.

Give it a try for a few weeks or months and see how your life is transformed. 

EGO gone.  Asking, receiving, giving present.  

God here. 

With Love,

Coach K

Lee Iacocca - Mr. Mustang

 Mr. Mustang

Lee Iacocca is a Lehigh University educated Engineer born in Allentown, Pennsylvania.  Lee was an auto executive at Ford and later leading the renewal and restoration of Chrysler Motors that was on the brink of bankruptcy in the 1970's. 
Lee is known for famously designing the Ford Mustang the most popular car in Ford's history.  Lee is one of those rare individuals in that he is both a leader and a doer. 

One of his quotes that I love is 

"Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen."

Which is a more poetic way to say Take Action!  

Put your wonderful ideas into action bring them to reality that way the person, community, society, and the world can benefit.  And you know who else benefits?  You. 

Bringing your dreams to life is just another way of us participating in this beautiful dance called Creation.  Fortune favors the bold.  And if things need some adjusting that's fine, we like to fall forward when making progress to realization. 

Lee was bold, decisive and had a few setbacks along the way to his big successes.

With Love,

Coach K

it happen. ~Lee Iacocca

Which of course is another way to say Take Action!  Or let our genius out.  Share out talents with the world.  Yes, we all have something to contribute even if it's simply treating each other will a little more love and kindness.  These simple acts can have profound multiplying affects in making our world a better place. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Bryce MVP


The year is 2021 and the great baseball player Bryce Harper who took a pay cut to come to Philadelphia.  The Cradle of Liberty.  The City of Brotherly Love.  Phila Greek for Brother and Adelphia meaning Love. To play for the Phillies in front of devoted fans.

After struggling in the first half of the season, getting hit in the face with a 90 mph fastball and missing the All Star game.  Bryce persevered and overcame all obstacles to win the National League MVP award.

He humbly celebrated with his family and thanked his teammates, coaches, fans, and the City that welcomed him.  

He loves Philadelphia.  

With an attitude like that it's no surprise he is successful. 

And perhaps the best is yet to come.  Another World Series championship for our Fighitn' Phils.

Thank you Bryce!

With Love,

Coach K

Nice And Easy

Slow Down

You move too fast.  The song from Paul Simon

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy
Hello lamppost, what'cha knowing
I've come to watch your flowers growin'
Ain't you got no rhymes for me?
Doo-ait-n-doo-doo, feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy
I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me

One of the best things we can do for overall sense of well being, temperament, and health is to SLOW DOWN. 

We go racing from one task to another without really savoring the accomplishment and achievement or taking a little time to thankful and appreciative. 

On the roads we seem to be racing to no where.  Maybe the next stop sign, red light, or the brake lights twenty feet in front of us. 

Take it easy. Slow down.  Enjoy the view and the journey. That's half the fun. 

Take is from Paul and Art.

Life I love you all is Groovy.

With Love,

Coach K



 Let it Go

One of the hardest things for us to do is not cast judgement on another person.  We often compare others to our set of beliefs and values.  How can anyone match that standard. 

Let go. Let God.

We are in no position to judge.  And when we judge others we are really judging ourselves. 

Very hard to do.  

But all of us react differently to varying circumstances.  Better to send love and light to someone that may be facing challenges instead of casting judgement. 

When we cast judgement we really just increases our burden. 

Lighten your load. Instead of judging try loving and understanding. When we do this we elevate ourselves and others. We respect the sacred dignity of every human life. 

We can do it!

With Love,

Coach K

Journey Captured Double Live Music CD


One of the greatest live Rock albums ever created.  Journey's Captured live double album released in 1981.  This album was my Beach road trip music when we drive from the Philly area down to Wildwood NJ.  Steve Perry lead singer has one of the best voices in music, and the band produced many classic hits. 
The energy on the live recording is palpable with the audience and radiates joy. 

Had the pleasure of seeing Journey along with the Rolling Stones and George Thoroughgood at the old JFK stadium in Philly back in the early 1980's.  The place was rocking but when Journey came on stage the crowd had grown restless for the Stones. 

A show of a lifetime. 

And while Journey continues onward with new band members, the wonderful classical music continues to produce good vibrations to this day.

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Raising Lovebirds


Being raised in the Faith from a young age we learned about Jesus and God and all the wonderful stories of the Bible. And while we learned the lessons of our youth, we tried to put those teachings of love, kindness, treating your neighbor as yourself, generosity, charity, and forgiveness into action. 

A noble undertaking for anyone child or adult.  And as we grow and get absorbed in everyday life going to school, starting our careers and families, we get immersed in the material world, as Lao Tzu said, "the world of 10,000 things. We're busy acquiring wealth and all of our wonderful toys, and raising our beautiful children and families.

When we get the Lovebirds get a little more independent and begin to leave the nest we start to reflect on our family life together and all the wonderful times.  We gain a little wisdom and perspective in understanding what really is important.  We have not bigger responsibility, duty, or honor that raising children.  They are God's greatest gift! 

The most satisfying achievement in life is raising loving, kind, productive, self sufficient children that can go out into the world and make a better life for themselves and the community. 

And for all the parents raising and loving your children is the most important "career" we will ever have.  Your children come first love them, teach them, be an example for them, and simply BE there for them.  All the money in the world will not substitute for your time and attention. And at the end of the day the material stuff doesn't really matter it's just ultimately dust.  But the love of your family and children are forever are timeless. 

Seek not the treasures of this world but the Kingdom of Heaven.  And loving your family and  children is Heaven. 

As we get older and see the world with more wisdom.  We realize that all the striving in our younger years while important is not all important.  An important distinction.  Many of us were raised with loving supportive parents in a nurturing environment, and care share that with others and when we start our own families. But be mindful of others that have not have that luxury of familial love and reach to them and show them that they too are loved. 

As the children are raised and are going out into the world to find their love, passion, and joy, we begin to reflect on what's truly important on what it means to live a life "Well Lived".  You love them, you nurture them, you are there for them.  And so we are taught that it is with God and his children and when we acknowledge and know that we can live in peace and go out and put into practice all those wonderful lessons we learned as a child. 

For a person that loves and is loved truly has everything. 

With Love,

Coach  K

Monday, November 15, 2021

Peaceful Calm Healthy

 To Be Enlightened.  Meaning? To see the Light.  To Be the Light.

Either way the meaning sounds pretty good and the Word sound good. 

Our words have power. That's why it's IMPORTANT what we say and how we speak.

Practice speaking using loving, kind, caring, supportive language with yourself and others. This the fatest way to inner peace and tranquility.  When you fill yourself and others with joy, goodness, and positivity you naturally become that very essence. 

Yes, that simple.  But challenging in a way.  We can control our sensory environment just like we can control what we put into our bodies.  Our bodies are Temples and what we feed them is sacred.  T for Temple U! University! Had to get in that Shout Out for the alma mater.  And so it it with our minds and Spirit.  

Just like the body want to be nourished so do the mind and Spirit.  When need to fill them with uplifting, joyful, inspiring, thoughts, words, deeds, and imagery. Gratuitous violence, negativity, news, and entertainment only dampen our Spirit. And impede our children. 

That's why we need to be mindful what we feed ourselves. We need to reconnect with our Spirit. 

We need to ask for God's help and immerse ourselves in God's love and forgiveness. For when we stumble and we all do we know that God is merciful and kind and welcomes us with loving arms. 

When we lead EGO centric lives or Edge God Out lives we are focused on ourselves, materialism, consumerism, and other earthly pleasures.  

When we focus on the higher vibrations of peace, love, charity, hope, and compassion we move to the higher realms toward goodness, enlightenment, and Godliness.  

Remember we are made in the image of God.  And one our purposes is to reveal and connect with that Divinity. God wants us to do his work on earth and practice his teachings and his learnings so that we can be at Peace. 

A wonderful book ont this subject is Power vs Force by Dr. David M. Hawkins which describes how the body inherently knows if something is good for us and when the object is held, viewed, heard or experienced through the senses it will go weak or strong depending its inherent energy vibration. Fascinating and right on the money! Check it out. 

Try reading the Bible or other spiritual texts and see if the wonderful words resonate and inspire you. Oftentimes, we don't need a prescription for a pill.  

We just need to begin Feeding ourselves the Good stuff!

With Love and To Your Health,

Coach K

Friday, November 12, 2021



1776 the time was ripe for Revolution.  A good revolution is needed every now and then to clean out the old and start anew again.  Such was the time in historical Philadelphia when the patriots that inhabited the city where discussing and debating a new form of government.  One for the people, by the people, and of the people. Like every person we want to be the masters of our own fate, to captain our own ship. 

And so it was in the mid 1700's where England was becoming too oppressive with it's fledgling colony and the people stood up and demanded Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for all!

We need to stop, think, and reflect on the sacrifices that were made.  Valley Forge is a stone's throw away.  Farmers, tradesman, artisans, bookkeepers, shop owners gave up their very lives and died in the frozen mud of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania so we can sit here today and criticize, and debate the ideal of America.  The great George Washington and his men left hearth and home to shiver, freeze, and die in the harsh Pennsylvania winter to fight for our freedoms and our way of life!

That very notion is awe inspiring. We owe these heroes, these saints, a debt of gratitude, of honor. Would our self absorbed, selfish selves make such a sacrifice today? Thank goodness

The answer is still a resounding YES!

 Independence Hall, Ben Franklin, Benjamin Rush, John Adams, and Samuel Adams all walked these very same streets, From are home base we are 10 miles from Valley Forge

Fine ideals. But putting them into practice, making them a reality, well that's when the real work starts. 

But you need a beginning and the start is always with a thought, an idea, a Word. 

And the Word or Words did spring forth from one Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence right here where we sit 20 miles away on hallowed ground in Philadelphia. 

That document and many others help launch a nation that would go on to produce wondrous benefits to society, civilization, and mankind.

Were they flawed men, flawed people.  Of course, aren't we all?  Let those without sin, cast the first stone! Forgive, forgive, forgive. To err or sin is human, to forgive Divine from the lovely Bard of Avon William Shakespeare. 

Does the good of creating the United State of America outweigh its flaws and weaknesses.  

The answer is a resounding YES!

We have the freedom to do what we want, live how we want, worship how we want, BE who we want. We are that shining city on a hill.  A beacon of light for other people, other nations to emulate.  

Do we have equality?  An excellent question. And the answer again is a resounding YES!

We are after a nation of immigrants from our forefathers that came from England to escape persecution. Immigration the very lifeblood of a nation.  Japan has little immigration and is innovative but stifled. 

Equality to opportunity.  All of us despite our circumstances, our beginnings, our family history, our shortcomings, our failures, our skin colors, our languages, our religions, our beliefs have the same tremendous opportunity to excel, thrive, and achieve. 

But more importantly to love, to pray, to worship, to care, to think, to help, to serve, to be, to exist in this wonderful experiment called life, called America. 

And lest we forget, We are not better than anyone, we just aspire to be better than we used to be. To make the world better! What does America stand for?  What is our way of Life?  To serve, to improve, and to help mankind.  Our economic system has brought more inventions and improvements to benefit the world's standard of living that it's actually miraculous. 

50 years ago in the 1970's there was no cable tv, no internet, no cell phones, no electric cars, no Apple, no Google, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Tesla.  We have more computing power in our hands with our phones than the largest supercomputers from the 70s. Incredible. 

Each era and time period has its challenges. That's called Life.  But we all have that word again what is it ah yes CHOICE. We must be the happy warriors going forth with an attitude of gratitude, of service, of hope, of goodness. 

 America stands for Continuous improvement. We strive to get better everyday.  America is an evolving, living, breathing ideal where we all must take part and share in it's creation.  For we are recreating ourselves every day.  Every day is burgeoning and bursting with new opportunities to serve, help, and create something better for our fellow man. 

And as our fellow Patriots have echoed throughout the generations. 

Come together right now over Me!

Give me Liberty!

All for One and One for All!

And Let Freedom Ring!

With Love,

Patriot K

Vitamin G

 We take vitamins to nourish our bodies and give them the fuel so we can live and perform at optimum levels.  But what about our Spirits. We all need some vitamin G. God!

As, Sting of the Police sings, "We are spirits in the material, We are spirits in the material, We are spirits in the material world." 

And the Police have to be good to produce such wonderful music.

We are indeed Spirits in the material physical word and we must nourish our minds, bodies, and souls with the Good stuff.  The bible and other spiritual texts are ripe will the words of Jesus, the prophets, and other terrific teachers hiding in plain sight if we just take the time to read, listen, and apply. 

We need to fill ourselves with the good. Good words, good music, good food, good drink, and good company.  A life filled with love, friendship, and good will. When we live not for just ourselves but for others we realize our highest self, our highest potential.  For in serving others, we serve ourselves.

We all get lost, absorbed, and too distracted at times with the baubles of the physical material world.  And at these times, our Spirits begin to fade to weaken and must be replenished, fed, nourished, strengthened. When we return to the Divinity from which we sprung we are renewed in the Holy Spirit.

Take the time to get to know God in whatever form you choose.  For the Holy Spirit is the answer to any challenges we may be having.  We are indeed infused with this same Holy Spirit and when we are connected all our concerns fade.  We are abundant, healthy, healed, loved, and at peace in an instant. 

Try it! Whatever challenge you are facing today.  Ask for God's help.  Ask the Holy Spirit to assist in whatever you need help with and see how the peace washes over you.  We must humble ourselves and fill our hearts with gratitude for we are blessed with radiant abundance every day if we just clear our eyes and hearts.

We have the gift of this day! This moment! 

Let us rejoice and be GLAD! A glad heart.  A glad soul. A glad Spirit is a God spirit. 

With God all things are possible.  Remember with the faith of a mustard seed, we can do all things.

All things!

May the Peace of the  Holy Spirit be with us all.  God Bless.

And so it is.

With Love,

Coach K

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Spirit - Let Your Light Shine On!

 Your Holy Spirit

The Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak.  

Love that quote.  And it can be so true at times when we dwell in the "Land of Ten Thousand Things". 

We need to step back from Materialism and Consumerism.  And get back to the Spirit. 

We all love the goodies.  Me included! But when we let that dominate our lives we need to get back in balance.  We all want the latest Iphone 13 but wasn't it yesterday the Iphone 12 was launched and was the must have.  And so it goes with all our modern toys and trinkets.  They begin rusting away as soon as we acquire them. Slowly turning to dust and yet we expend so much time and energy acquiring these shiny baubles. Or acquiring the latest trophy wife or husband.  We need to step back from our Ego (Edge God Out) dominated lives and return to Spirit.  A shout out to Dr. Dyer and the great Spritual educators that have come before. 

Time for a paradigm shift from our friend and mentor Dr. Stephen Covey. 

As we increase or hone our focus on the Spiritual or the metaphysical and expand our capacity to love, empathize, understand, help, and console.  We expand our Souls and Spirits.  We become Holy.

Indeed Holy Spirits.  Which is in fact our purpose on Earth and in our lifetime.  To reach Enlightenment, to reveal the sacred within our humanity. The divine light that shines forth in all of us is dulled by the senses at times with the TV, Internet, Social Media, and Cell Phones. When we tune into  negative news and entertainment we can become dull and lifeless dousing the indomitable Spark that resides in all of us. 

We were created in the image of The Almighty and when we let that divine Light shine forth we are remarkable, gentle, compassionate, peaceful, charitable, abundant,  and Full of Grace. 

We are Powerful to accomplish our dreams and goals.  To Do Good, Be Good, and make the world a better place for all.  

As the band Collective Soul (love the name) sings out,  "Oh ooooo Heaven Let Your Love Shine Down" And Shine On!

Yes We Can.

With Love,

Coach K

Immigration Solve The Problem

 Fix It!

Ah the wonderful topic of Immigration in the good 'ol United States.  The shining city on a hill.  A beacon of liberty, freedom, and opportunity for all the world. 

Countries have a right to their Sovereignty and to have safe and secure borders.  

But instead of spending all of our time, energy, money, and policy debate of who's legal and who's illegal which should be focusing on improving and correcting our existing Legal immigration system.

The U.S admits approximately 1M legal immigrants a year in a country of 350 million. That's less than of 0.05% or half of 1%.  And that includes all the skilled, educated, and in demand educational and technical skills that would benefit our society, economy, and the global community. 

With the Billions invested at the Border at the trillions invested in Defense let's shift the focus to improving Legal Immigration where we can accept 10 million or more well deserving applicants that would benefit the country and existing citizens.  And help replace the Greatest Generation of immigrants that died on the beaches of Normandy.  Teenagers, children that our buried on other lands while defending freedom form tyranny.  We can honor these heroes and Points of Light by correcting this nonsensical manufactured immigration issue. 

The logical way to decrease illegal immigration is to improve the Legal Immigration process but we hear none of this discussion.  The focus is on the negative. Remember the negative news sells, problems, problems, problems.  As the Eagles band wrote in a song, Give them Dirty Laundry! 


We are a nation of immigrants and our grandparents and forefathers came to this country seeking a better life.  Immigration is the lifeblood of a nation and economy and a principal tenet to the historic rise of the fledgling United States as a country.  We've only been around since 1776 or 245 years to the year 2021.  Other nations have existed for thousand of years countries in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.  We are babies! And yet our rise has been meteoric.  


Our principles.  Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Pure Poetry! Thank you Thomas Jefferson!
Freedom is the lifeblood to human endeavor and pursuit.  Freedom to love, worship, and pursue any dream you desire. All for the benefit of mankind! 

Now that's a powerful Mission Statement.

We can fly people to the Moon. We can land on Mars.  And yet we struggle for an improved Immigration policy.  Away with the foolishness.  The time is now! So be it. 

We can do better! Divert resources, funds, and focus on fixing our Broken Legal Immigration policy and watch the "Border Crisis" evaporate into thin air.

Our Motto? 

Solve the Problem!!!

Yes we can.

With Love,

Coach K

Monday, November 8, 2021

Footie Pajamas

 Get Outside!

This health push with the Peloton and the gyms, treadmills, are noble aspirations. 

But the best thing you can do for your health today is to go OUTSIDE!

And exercise your FREEDOM!

Sunshine and fresh air are the two best remedies for the mind, body, and soul.

Nature is the most powerful curative we can harness.  Let the sunshine wash over you and warm your soul while the fresh air nourishes your lungs and heart. Yes, it does a body good. 

Especially given the lockdown the world has been under. 


Take off the Footie Pajamas and venture forth to the great outdoors. 

Our mental, emotional, well being is at stake. We were not make to be locked down. We were made to soar to be FREE. 

Even if that freedom is just going outside for a joyous walk in the splendid sunshine. 


With Love.

To Your Health,

Coach K

Power Moves!

Four simple low key Power moves courtesy of the great spiritual teacher and Dragon Lao Tzu you can do to dramatically improve and change your life right now at zero cost!

Try practicing these four things in you daily everyday life 

  • Respect for All living things.  Yes, that means even the lowliest bug, mosquito, bee.  This is hard! How many times do you want to step on that stink bug. 
  • Gentleness. Very challenging in our busy fast paced world where we anger and get frustrated too quickly at times.  Practice just being gentler and more understanding with yourself and loved ones. I keep telling myself Let it Go, let it go, let it go.
  • Supportiveness.  Instead of being critical we can switch to being supportive.  A fine distinction at times but an important one.  Instead of sharing how right we are, and how much we know, help the person find the joy in uncovering the solution and resolving the issue themselves.  We can offer guidance and constructive support, but leave the criticism at the curb.
  • Sincerity. In a word truthfulness.  True to yourself and others. A person that is faithful and knows what he believes.  We all know being sincere is not the easiest thing to be or do when it involves others.  What is right what is wrong is not always clear when it involves others and their feelings.  Often, we choose less than the truth to spare someone a hurt or pain.  And that's OK.  We are being sincere in preserving the friendship, the relationship, and the bond. 
We often feel compelled to rid ourselves of guilt for choices we've made and in a fit of self                    righteousness we unload the truth to make ourselves feel better while hurting those around us.  Better to carry the burden of your actions, ask for forgiveness, and move ahead on a better course. You learn the lesson and work to make amends.  

More is at stake that your personal satisfaction. 

With Love,

Coach K

The Cosmic Dance

Heaven on Earth swirl in the Heavens

And Heaven and Nature sing, and Heaven and Nature sing, and Heav--------en, and nature Sing.  The two become one and rejoice. 

We are reborn from our sleep into a new day.  The first day.  We are awed and humbled about this daily miracle that occurs under our own sleepy gaze unaware of how we are all infused with the life giving omnipotence of the Creator. 

We have been given the gift of creation and what are we to do with such power. Do we change the world for the better.  Do we live our own lives for good and to better those around us family, friends, and fellow world travelers.  The 8 billion of us are connected by this Cosmic force, this Universal energy, we are One. 

One Love. And it's ever present everywhere, And it's ever presesnt everywhere it's One Love from the great Van Morrison. I often think that the word's songwriters and musicians are our greatest sages. 

And together with our love and goodness we can change the world in an instant.  We have been endowed with enormous powers when harnessed properly can surpass the sun. 

So it is time now for us to affirm

We affirm that the pandemic is over, fear is banished in the name of the Lord. Amen

We affirm that countries will live in peace and harmony, and work for the betterment of all citizens in the name of the Lord. Amen

We affirm that abundance will flow to all people and countries in the name of the Lord. Amen

We affirm that we are God's people of one Universe and together we can continue the manifestation of heaven of earth in the name of the Lord. Amen

We affirm that we are the Light of the world and can share that Light and Grace throughout the Universe in the name of the Lord. Amen

We affirm that Peace, Love, Compassion, Kindness, Gentleness, and Grace shared across the cosmos can improve life exponentially in the name of the Lord. Amen

When we are in harmony and one with the Creator we can do all things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

With our little acts of loving, kindness, and compassion practiced in our homes and families we can literally transform the world.  One simple candle can light a room and dispel the darkness.  Just think what we can do when we all light are candles!

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Mothers and Fathers


Of all the things we do as human beings the most important is our our role as Parents.  

Mothers Fathers heed the call to be that Parent that is supportive, loving, gentle, and kind.  Put aside our concerns about the job, the finances, the house, the car, the payments. 

The most important thing is your relationship with your child.  The child only wants your Love and Support all of the other stuff is unimportant. 

You simply NEED to be there for them. Always. Parenting is a lifetime job but the best job you will ever have!!!

Parenting is a tough job and we need help at times.  We need to ask for help.  Ask God, ask family, ask friends. Reach out. A simple prayer asking for help with all of your challenges can produce amazing results. Pray Ask!

When we are in the moment as parents with dirty diapers, crying babies, and a hundred things to do it is easy to get sucked into the vortex, but know that This Too Shall Pass and you will come out better and stronger than ever. 

One thing is for sure. Time will pass and when you reflect on your life and your legacy you will see and have your children. No money, accomplishment, or career will substitute for your life as a parent. 

We need to work on our marriages and see them through.  Too often we call it quits at the first sign of trouble or adversity.  Our selfishness must be put aside. We can make time for ourselves without abandoning our responsibilities with time management. 

Let's Build up our lives, spouses, children, and family. It will be the biggest accomplishment and achievement of our lives.

With Love,

Coach K

Thursday, November 4, 2021




Fasting will transform your health and well being and will do so quickly.  A simple change to our eating habits will have a dramatic impact to your life.  Consult with your Doctor.  And then put down the fork, the meds, and let your body's natural healing mechanism go to work!

 Fasting is the Fastest way to help your body renew, regenerate, and restore your health!  The studies show how when we are in a fasting state and not laden down with our constant eating of empty calories and junk food, that the body will cleanse itself and begin releasing the wonderful hormones of testosterone, human growth hormone, and IGF or Insulin Growth Factor.  There are some fantastic YouTube videos documenting the benefits of Intermittent Fasting and I encourage you to investigate for yourself.

My experience has been that fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 is a tremendous way to boost your health and well being and get back to your ideal body weight.  We know that the U.S has become out of balance with our nutrition and we can reverse the obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other self inflicted ailments like Alcoholism with better overall eating habits. 

We don't need to give up all the wonderful foods we enjoy. But we do need to moderate. 

Let us begin on the road to Wellness, to Abundance, to Vitality, to a long healthy life filled with joy, love and happiness.

To Your Health,

Coach K

Words Matter

Power Language

Jesus gave us a great example of using language to shape his world and the universe.  We have his wonderful example to assist us in our daily living.  When we embrace these words and this type of loving, supportive language we infuse our lives with the spiritual energy to compel accomplish whatever we desire. 

We are Magnets.  When we use positive, upbeat language, expectant, hopeful language we attract those things into our lives.  Yes, it's that simple and yes it does work! Try it!  Likewise, when we use low energy, hateful, hurtful, expletive laced language we attract those things into our lives. 

  • In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, And the Word was God. 
  • I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. 
  • Ask and it shall be given unto you
  • You can do all that I have done and more if you but believe
  • You can move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed
  • And the meek shall inherit the earth
  • The last shall be first and the first shall be last
  • Seek the kingdom of heaven
  • Be ye confident sayeth the Lord

Connect to that infinite source of goodness, wisdom, and abundance by simply changing our language, thinking, and attitude. 

A good place to start are Affirmations.  And so it is

I am abundant Love
I am abundant Kindness
I am abundant Joy
I am abundant Compassion
I am abundant Peace
I am abundant Goodness
I am abundant Gratitude
I am abundant Health
I am abundant Grace

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

You Tube

 You Tube

How wonderful is You Tube where you can learn any skill or perform any task with a Community that is always willing to help.  I'm astounded by the generosity of others and their willingness to use their valuable time to help "strangers" with a given task. 

You can learn guitar, another language, gardening, automotive, landscaping, golf lessons, and academics.  You Tube really just organized a community of worldwide neighbors willing to share their talents.  Simple yet Genius!

I think it goes to the salient important point that we really our an ecosystem of fellow human beings willing to help each other achieve even the most mundane task.  We have this inherent generosity infused in our very essence. 

I met a wonderful gentleman Gerald from Georgia assist me with building my 48" aerator.  He saved me another hour at least.  I'm amazed and inspired by the goodness of others.  I'm also humbled and filled with gratitude that we are surrounded by others that are determined to build a better life for themselves, their families, and the world we inhabit. 

When we all share out talents even those we think as insignificant we advance all of us one giant leap.

We each can be the Light of the World in our own small way.  And the light of billion flickers can set the Universe a blaze. 

With Love and Gratitude,

Coach K

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Mr Rogers Won't You Be My Neighbor

 Mr. Fred Rogers

Mr. Rogers lived an Inspired Life.  Inspiration or In Spirit is what Mr. Rogers embodied every day of his life.  He was at Dartmouth College but transferred to Rollins College in Florida to study music.  He married his college sweetheart Sara/Joanne and headed off to work in television ultimately landing in Pittsburgh close to his hometown of Latrobe, PA.  Home to fellow soul mate Arnold Palmer. 

Fred Rogers dedicated his life to educating and entertaining children and parents.  He is an ordained minister that has a deep abiding faith and his main desire was to simply spread kindness throughout the world. 

Fred and Sara are soul mates that raised two sons and enjoyed playing together on their Steinway piano. When they sat down for dinner every night they began with a beautiful prayer;

Come, Lord Jesus, be thou our guest
Our morning joy, our evening rest. 
And with thy daily bread impart,
Thy love and peace to every heart.

Fred spent a lifetime and beyond nurturing children and helping to build strong loving families.  Let's use his example to build our own loving families that will go out and spread his wonderful message of 

Loving Kindness!

Thank you Mr. Rogers and Thank You Sara.  God Bless. 

With Love,

Coach K

Be At Peace


In the Land of Ten Thousand Things  the important thing to know is that everything comes through God.  

Are we human beings have a spiritual experience or divine beings having a human experience. 

We are made in the image of God. We are infused with God's breathe and are part of God family.  When we acknowledge our divine essence we live from our highest selves.  We are at peace and one with the Universe. We live in harmony and life unfolds gently and in time like a blooming flower. 

All the non essential things fade away and we are peace in God's love. There is no doing, no business, no to do list.  Those earthly things tugging at us that must be done will all be done in God's time. 

No need to pull at the shoots as my friend and mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer likes to say.  The tomato will grow on its own with a little sunshine and water.  All we need to do is plant the seed. 

As Lao Tzu once said, "Respect for All Living Things, Gentleness, Supportiveness, LovingKindness. 

This is the Path.  And said another way God will Light our paths. 

Give up our need to judge, to divide.  See God in all of his brilliant disguises.  We are One. All infused with the Divine Essence.  And we must help each other experience the glory of God within each of us. 

With Love,

Coach K

Friday, October 29, 2021

Heal Yourself

 Health and Healing

We have been blessed with our miraculous bodies.  We of course know the benefit of good nutrition, exercise, fresh air, sunshine, and water.  But how about our minds, thoughts, and attitudes.  Our we positive, expectant, hopeful, joyful, and grateful. 

We need to replace the prevalent negativity in our society and world with the positive, hopeful world that we are truly blessed to live in on a daily basis.  We need to remember that each day, each moment is a gift, a blessing that is to be cherished.  The universe is a friendly omnipotent force when we are in harmony with that energy.  When we respect Mother Earth and the universe beyond we can reap her blessings. 

Turn the negative news off and replace it with a Mozart sonata, a Beethoven symphony, or Vivaldi concerto.  What we feed our minds and hearts is more important than what we feed our bodies. 

The violent shows, movies, sports, reality tv, negative news, video games need to be banished from our personal existence and replaced with uplifting experiences.  A hike in the woods, a bike ride,  a mountain trail, a swim, and physical activity that gets us moving and the blood flowing! All of these healthy alternatives that supercharge our health and well being. 

We need to feed our bodies the good stuff and starve it of the bad stuff especially if our health is compromised.  

Here is a good start:
  • A wellness mindset and attitude. We must remember that with God all things are possible.  Including our healing.  Put your faith in this concept, Pray for health and well being. Expect and believe. And ask for God's help.
  • No alcohol.  Alcohol is a toxin and wreaks havoc on the body in excessive quantities.
  • No fast food or junk food. Our bodies need good nutrition to get back in balance.
  • Quiet. Meditation and prayer.  Your mind and body need to get back in balance. Limit stress. 
  • Visualize and affirm your health and well being.  Affirm I am healthy, I am strong, I am Love and so on.  Every accomplishment begins with a thought and idea.
  • Reconnect with Nature. Back to the sun, woods, mountains, and oceans. The wellspring of Life.
  • Turn up the Faith. Turn down the fear. Our bodies have a wonderful ability to regenerate if we just allow it to happen.  The Liver which is the body's cleansing organ has the ability to regrow even after being abused by alcohol.  If we would just stop poisoning ourselves and self inflicting our health. Yes we can. 
  • The power of prayer.  Ask for your healing, your recovery, your restoration, and ask your friends and love ones to join in the cause.  With that power we can move mountains. 
  • We remain Grateful for all that shows up in our lives. Nature and our bodies tell us that we need to get back in balance.  When balance is restored we are restored. Stay humble and grateful. 

For those of you that are able and of course in consultation with your Dr. 


 Fasting is the number one way to help your body renew, regenerate, and restore.  The studies show how when we are in a fasting state and not laden down with our constant eating of empty calories and junk food, that the body will cleanse itself and begin releasing the wonderful hormones of testosterone, human growth hormone, and IGF.  There are some fantastic YouTube videos documenting the benefits of Intermittent Fasting and I encourage you to investigate for yourself. 

My experience has been that fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 is a tremendous way to boost your health and well being and get back to your ideal body weight.  We know that the U.S has become out of balance with our nutrition and we can reverse the obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other self inflicted ailments like Alcoholism with better overall eating habits. 

We don't need to give up all the wonderful foods we enjoy. But we do need to moderate. 

Let us begin on the road to Wellness, to Abundance, to Vitality, to a long healthy life filled with joy, love and happiness. 

To Your Health!

Coach K

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Word

 The Word

In the beginning was the Word.  And the word was with God. And the word was God. John 1:1

Our words are important.  Our language is important. 

The words we use define us and shape us.  

Our words have Power. 

Use your language to assist you.  Speak of hopeful expectation, of abundance, of health and well being, of all the good things you plan to do and receive. 

We can use words and language to affirm and attract all that we desire.  

A simple sentence stating:

I am healthy
I am at peace
I am abundant
I am love 
I am good
I am generous
I am kind
I am patient

These high energy words and thoughts infuse our life with a knowing that all is well and everything we need will arrive in good time. 

We are magnets and our words help attract what we desire.  Use the Spiritual principles that have worked throughout millennia to create the life you deserve.

With Love,

Coach K

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Judgement Let Go


Let it go! When we give up our need to judge we let go of so much frustration, anger, and stress.  The need to always be right, to have others think as we think, to put someone down because they're different is totally needless and wasteful.  We all came from the same Source the same Loving Divine energy.  We are all part of the human forest, one ecosystem, what happens to one of us happens to all of us. 

That's why we see an injustice we rally to correct it, when we see a disaster our generosity is unlimited. 

We are One!

Let go of the negativity toward others, it's probably just a reflection of our own shortcomings anyway. When we judge a book by the cover we miss out of some great reads and fantastic books!

Be Open
Be Kind
Be Gentle
Be Support 
Be Loving

Be Yourself!

With Love,

Coach K

Feed Your Mind & Your Body

 The Mind

Your mind is your direct connect to God, to the Universal Force, to Peace, Tranquility, and Harmony. 

These powers are your best friends.  But you must first welcome them!


Just like the body that excels on good nutrition, exercise, fresh air, sunshine, and rest.  The mind must be fed the proper nutrition.  Wholesome entertainment, good music, quiet, silence, and rest also. When we subject ourselves and our minds to constant violence be it TV, movies, music, video games, and constant electronics we rob ourselves of the peace and quiet we need to perform at our best. 

Turn it down,  Better yet Turn it off.  The constant stream of negative news must be ignored NOW! We can stay up to date on current events without the barrage of negativity. 

The universe has progressed throughout the millennia and will continue to do so despite what all the experts predict.  Bad news sells but hears the Good News we don't have to buy!

There is a better way.  See out books, news, music, art, and people that inspire you, support you, and love you.  Seek comfort is good spiritual teachings be it the Bible or other good books.  Our Angels are out there waiting to lend a hand, lift us up, and help us to achieve anything we desire. 

All we have to do is Ask.  Ask and it shall be given.  I can do anything with God's help.  And so it is. 

Feed your mind as well as the body the Good stuff and you will take your will take your life to wonderful new places. 

With Love,

Coach K    

Monday, October 25, 2021

PEACE - Let it Go


Let there be peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me.  With every breath I take let this be my solemn vowel. To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. 

And so it is.

The peace that we desire comes from within.  You can have all the peace in the world if you can just learn to enjoy yourself.  The challenges of daily living sometimes bubbles up and over within us leading to frustration, anxiety, and anger.  Let it go!

Let it GO!  We are needlessly frustrating ourselves are bringing unhappiness into our lives by the way we are choosing to think and live. 

Why give your emotions over to a stranger that may have accidently cut you off on the road, leading to anger and road rage.  Why let a supposed slight from a friend or loved one get on your nerves, perhpas they were just trying to be supportive. The point is that WE control our emotions, happiness, and well being not outside forces or even those close to us. 

Many times those closest to us may say or do hurtful things that may cause us grief and unhappiness, but we have the power to turn into constructive criticism if needed or to dismiss entirely.  The choice is OURS. 

And no matter what our choice.  We choose PEACE.

Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of Soul.  This is true happiness, contentment, and success.

To your health and well being!


With Love,

Coach K

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Divine You

The Divine You

There is God and God is You. We are One. We are made in God's image. Let that sink in for a moment.
We sometimes forget, or may not even know that we have a Father that cares for us beyond our earthly desires. Get to know our Divine Father and Lord Jesus and you will never experience a love beyond measure.  We all get lost in the daily business of life and we lose touch with our higher divine selves. That's OK God is always reminding and nudging us to focus on the beauty and goodness He created and he wants us to live from that higher part of ourselves where we can experience his direct Grace. 

God is Love.  God sent his son Jesus to exclaim his love for us and to help us understand that we are part of welcomed into the family of God The Father. We are part of God's Love part of the divine universal energy that flows through all things.  We have the ability to create and design our world to live in peace, harmony, health, and wellness. To live a life of our own choice, our own making!

To live a life of love, tranquility, harmony, and fulfillment. 

To be full of joy, kindness, generosity, understanding and kindness.
To know and experience abundance

Fear and doubt are gone. Banished!

We have Faith, Hope, and Love. 

With God's Love anything is possible and doable.  But yes we must have the Faith of a mustard seed and we can do all these things.  We must first Love ourselves unconditionally, no exceptions, forgive yourself of any past transgressions, and know that since you are a part of the Divine Dance you are perfect just as you are! You are perfect in every way.

Stop this foolishness of comparing yourself to everyone and everything it's just noise and nonsense.

Rest easy knowing that you are loved by the Lord Jesus and God the Father. You are the Light of the World. Be the Light. Be the Love. And everything else with fall into place.

No matter what we do, where we go, we are


With Love,

Coach K