Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Owning Your Joy

 Let It Begin With Me

The virus, inflation, toilet paper shortages, high gas prices, tornadoes, and quarantines. How can we feel joyful amidst this supposed gloom.  

Easy.  What we focus on expands.  We control our own reality.  When we let outside sources determine our happiness, well being, and state of joy, we surrender our bliss to outside sources.  Naturally, we feel compassion, empathy, and charity to other in times of need. But we do not surrender our joy, our happiness, our bliss to anything or anyone. 

While the media streams and the negativity and tragedy du jour we gobble it up by the spoonful when we decide to tune it and eat the junk food for our minds and psyches.  Thanks but no thanks. 

We have a choice. We create our own realities. We can choose happiness, joy, and peace.

Do we treat each day as a gift, a blessing, that must be treasured. Honored.  We are surrounded by love and light.  Whether it's your children, your wife, your husband, mother, father, brother, sister, or friends.  We have our health, our job, our pets.  Good girl Shay Shay!

Turn down the violence, the Negative news, the doom and gloom. Turn off the TV! Shut it OFF!

Spend some time praying, meditating, with friends, with nature, laughing, exercising, get outside, soak up the fresh air and sunshine.  Take your new found time and rebuild your health and wellness. Spend your time being creative, building that business, trying that new skill you always wanted to do. Read a book.  We do remember books right!  Volunteer, mentor, we have so many wonderful ways to spend our time

There is a big beautiful world out there that is full of love, peace, and joy.

We just need to remember that we find what were looking for so let's start looking in the right place.

Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Coach K

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