Friday, March 23, 2012

Into Each Life A Little Rain Must Fall

Going through a little family event got me to thinking about how each of us handles life's challenges and adversities. I remember reading that it's not what happens to us that is important, but how we react to what happens. What is helpful is to do all you can to make the situation better, to be proactive.

Should I sit around and feel sorry for myself, pout, exclaim poor me! Or is there a better way, a better response.  Instead of just focusing on me, myself, and I,  how about putting the focus on being of service, on others that may have a greater need than my little molehill.

Came across a wonderful verse by the exquisite American Maine poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow titled 

Rainy Day
Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall
We need the rain for the crops, for nourishment, for growth. Without rain life ceases. And we know the sun does shine again it always does. Just like the April showers bring the beautiful May flowers.
Let it rain blue sky is on the horizon.
With Love
Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

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