Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stay Open

We often encounter different types of people throughout life. One the the type A that plans everything, has a detailed list of goals, and a definitive timeline for making everything a reality. Then there is the Type B, that just takes life as it comes, goes with the flow, and makes few plans.

The two personality or character types, like life itself, both have positive qualities\traits. The happy medium is found by expressing ourselves in the present moment. When I write down what I'm looking to accomplish, or do, or experience, in the short, medium and long term however you want to define those timeframes helps to focus my thoughts and ideas. We then begin to better define our purpose and hone the purpose we have in mind at the present moment. Simply writing down goal\dream\purpose statements help prioritize our actions. For example,

I spend my time writing, speaking, and developing programs that benefit others
I look to share my talents with the universe everyday. For in helping one, you help many,  helping yourself
I believe the universe is a kind, friendly, place helping me in all that I need and desire
I enjoy wonderful food and drink
I speak Italian, Latin, Greek, and numerous other languages
I will visit Italy
I am abundant and the universe provides all that is needed
I am and teach love, kindness, universal effective living principles
I plan to spend extended time traveling and enjoying the world
I am kind to everyone I meet
I am open to all the experiences and people that I encounter and seek to find the good in all
I am thankful and grateful for all the that shows up in my life
I am a guitar virtuoso
I write and record songs and music
I enjoy reading good books
I enjoy experiencing lovely art
I soak up wonderful music
I am love
I am goodness
I am a lover and teacher of children
I am a writer and reader of poetry
I enjoy living fully everyday
I live and share healthy living principles
I affirm that my body is a temple and look to nourish with all that it needs to sustain me
I am a renaissance man that looks to listen, learn, and enjoy every person and experience that life brings

When we express our desires, dreams, and goals we simply say that these are the things we want to bring about in our lives right now and we REMAIN open to how they will come about. We give up worrying, stressing, and fussing over how things we come about, we let go and allow the universe to bring out wonderful vision and dreams into reality. Remember, the universe is a friendly place that will deliver all your hearts desires, and sometimes in a more imaginative and better way than you ever dreamed possible.

By staying open, and not wrestling, arguing, or getting frustrated with ourselves, others, and life. We communicate to ourselves, others, and the universe that life is good and that all my dreams and desires are right on schedule.  Of course we know that what we want today may change tomorrow and that's OK, that is why we remain flexible and OPEN to the wonderful possibilities that life affords everyday.  We are free to add change revise our list as we see fit, it is our LIFE, and as your dreams become reality and new dreams get added remember to be grateful, humble, and THANKFUL for all the wonderful joys that life delivers

Hard, inflexible, intolerant, brittle are opposite of the qualities that we need. Be soft, gentle, flexible, understanding, and OPEN to all of life's wonders.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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