Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Families: A House Divided Cannot Stand

How many times do we hear of issues with work, finances, health, and family. Yes, we all experience these challenges from time to time, or even all the time it seems! But we can overcome these obstacles. Yes, but it starts with our relationship with ourself and our spouse or partner.

If you are a single parent get help from a family member, friend, school, or other resource. The resources are out there and remember millions of other single moms and dads have raised loving, productive, successful children and You Can Too! Nothing will bring a sense of satisfaction and achievement in your life than helping your children succeed.

For the married couples, partners, and other couples it is important to be of one voice when it comes to raising your children. Yes, you will have differing opinions, you may argue, and you will disagree but that should be done respectfully and with love. You must agree that you first love one another, that you are working on the same goal when raising children to nurture, care, and love them so they can become loving, caring, productive citizens.

Children and Family
 First and foremost, we must agree that our love for the children is unconditional and that we are there for them no matter what. You will catch them when they fall and pick them up if necessary. For it is at these times,  when we truly learn what it is to be a parent, or a lover of children.  We know it is easy to love the straight A student, the child that does everything right, that listens, wins awards, and makes us feel good about ourselves. But the real work and joy is in helping the child that has lost their way, that needs our guidance, that needs our help even though we may think it is not deserved.

A United Strong House
So many times we see the relationship of the parents come between the well being of the children and the family.  We can agree to be more loving and kind to one another as parents, couples, and lovers. We can agree to love, nurture, and care for the children and family unconditionally.

When we don't agree on these principles, the house is divided. And a divided house cannot will not stand.  For your well being, our well being have a heart-to-heart talk and agree on some common goals for the marriage, the children, the family.  You will not on agree on everything but we can come to a some basic understandings that we love each other, care for each other, respect/civil to each other, and care for the children, and for our families.  Now we are United, and we know that a United house is strong and can withstand the winds and rain that enters all our lives from time to time.

Take Care of Your Own
Mama K was a single mom that would repeatedly tell her four boys, "Boys you stick together and take care of your own!" And when we didn't, she just broke a broom over our heads...funny! How true it is. When the family sticks together and takes care of its own you have a solid foundation for a strong house.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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