Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happiness Got Nothing To Do With It


Often times our own personal happiness comes in direct conflict with our sense of responsibility and duty.  In this time of self indulgence and instant gratification, we lose sight of our higher calling. 

We see it today in the family unit.  More families are being torn apart because one of the parents are not happy or have lost that loving feeling.


Happiness has nothing to do with it! Think of that for a moment and let it sink in.  Our human nature seeks pleasure and self gratification. And while children do bring us happiness it can be demanding and arduous at times. The idea that it's too hard or too tough and I'm not happy is part of the bargain.  There is no turning back once the child has arrived.  YOU are responsible and that responsibility comes first.  Your happiness or comfort takes a backseat.  And let's not be pretentious with "I only have one life nonsense".

When we decide to have children we are also deciding to put their interests before our own.  We are giving up a part of ourselves for the sake of our children.  For they are of us, they are our legacy.  We all know of relationships that are not a good match and parting ways is the best for everyone involved, but the epidemic of marriages dissolving because of unhappiness has become too convenient.

Welcome to the world of parenting which is sometimes tough, challenging hard work, but anything worthwhile involves sacrifice and commitment.  And is there anything more important that raising our children, the next generation of leaders and parents.  

More importantly, our children are learning their parenting skills from us. Which leads to the next generation of broken families.  And for those pulling the cord because of unhappiness, don't delude yourself the family is not the same when a parent leaves the house

The theoretical notion of having children is much different than the reality of caring for children, and nothing can quite prepare you for having the complete responsibility of caring for another life, for someone that is totally dependent on you. Sometimes you just don't know how you will be until you experience it firsthand.

Raising and loving our children is one of our most important responsibilities, and the family unit is fundamental to strong societies and civilizations.  The task is hard and the sacrifice is great but the reward, well the reward -

Is our Legacy.

With Love,

Coach K