Thursday, December 30, 2021


 I was enjoying Disney's Alladin movie and while the genie was granting Alladin his three wishes Alladin asked the all powerful genie what he would wish for if he had a wish.

And do you know what the genie wished for?

Something we take for granted in this great country of ours. Something we enjoy everyday. What is this thing that the all powerful genie desired?

In a word Freedom.

Freedom is what propels America. What  we all desire. What we all enjoy. People from all over the world want to come to America to have a taste of our brand of Freedom. 

We need to be vigilant about taking our hard earned freedom for granted. Many across the globe do not enjoy the liberties and freedoms that we exercise in our daily lives. 

We must remember the many Patriots that sacrificed so much for the Freedom we enjoy today. Many of us just take for granted what we enjoy in our country today or we too busy complaining about everything else that we lose sight of the blessings we enjoy. 

When you focus on what you don't have you lose sight of what you do have. 

And if Freedom is wish of the the all powerful genie than surely it it something we should all treasure. 

Thank you to all the Freedom fighters that have gone before us.  God has blessed America and as famous Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin once said, "We have a Republic if we can keep it".  Our country, our way of life, our freedom must be protected, preserved, and earned every single day. Government over-reach, needless regulation, endless bureaucracy, can slowly erode these precious gifts. 

So when we take stock of all our bounty. Start with the most precious of all.


God Bless. 

With Love,

Coach K

Monday, December 27, 2021

Healthy You!


Our Health comes first.  Our bodies are the Temples in which we do the Lord's work.  And we need to feed it nurture it and care for it with good nutrition, exercise, and rest. 

The jump rope is fun, convenient, portable, and a tremendous overall low impact workout that's excellent for the cardio, pulmonary, muscles, bones, and joints. The entire body!

Jumping elevates you heart rate and gets the heart pumping  filling our lungs with fresh oxygen and feeding your entire body with nutrients while removing the waste, toxins and cleansing our bodies.

The beauty of the rope is that you can do it ANYWHERE! basement, garage, foyer, driveway, patio, even the grass with the Jumpless rope.  Any you can buy a vinyl rope for around $2!

Start slowly but START.

Movement is the key to LIFE.  We need to get Moving!

And remember for you doubters, 

With God All Things Are Possible!

Let's Go!

To Your Health!

With Love,

Coach K

Creating Your Reality


What is Reality? 

Answer whatever you want it to be.  Sounds simple enough.  But how do we create our reality? With our minds, our thinking, our thoughts, our actions, our doing! Afterall, who chooses what you think and what you do? 

YOU DO! We CHOOSE. It is up to us. 

If it is to BE it is up to ME!!!

Easy right.  So make those CHOICES wisely.  If you fill yourself with junk food and alcohol you become JUNK. And ask yourself if you are made in the image of God and can claim your own divinity why would you do anything else.  Do we think that drinking soda and eating chips, becoming overweight sluggish and lazy is better than having unlimited energy, freedom of movement, and vitality. 

What "Food" our we feeding our minds and our soul or Holy Spirit.  Are we watch junk reality TV or pornography, are we watching violent sports, tv, and movies that give us nightmares and cause sleeplessness. Violent video games with shooting and mayhem.  And having our young children follow in our footsteps.  And then we wonder why everyone is anxious, depressed, and is on all kinds of medicine. 

How about flipping the switch and programming.  Instead of negative programming we use positive programming.  Read some positive thinking books, listen to uplifting music and watch inspiring movies and shows. That is our reality.  Anything we do for paper painted with nice green art versus what we do that is of real value love, friendship, charity, and peace.  Do something we love and sharing it with others making our families, communities, and world a better place is a much better investment.  The abundance will flow to you and follow you.  Just stay the course and stay positive.

The first thing we all must do is get to know God.  God first and foremost wants to be friends with us.  Just like a parent and child loving relationship. We are made in God's image and it is a miracle we made it to this life on earth.  Keep this knowing in your heart and let it be your daily mantra to elevate you through our lives. Have a conversation. God is listening and ready to help.  But we must also take time to listen.  We need to quiet ourselves and our lives, let the peace and tranquility of the Holy Spirit wash over us, cleanse us, and invigorate us. 

Begin each day in humble gratitude with the simple thought and prayer 

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us Rejoice and be Glad.  Thank you God for this day. Thank you thank you thank you. 

Each day, each moment, each breath is a blessing from God.  Everything else we do is a bonus so live life with joy, passion, goodness, and with peace.  God stands for Good.  Do good, be good, get good be one with God.  This will propel us to our dreams, our desires, our successes. 

We are Happy Warriors filled with God's love and we go out in the world and share that love, joy, and peace with every we interact with for in lifting others up we lift ourselves.  We can be a light to others that may be struggling or need a hand up.  They can see us and be inspired.  

If we want a better world for ourselves, our children, and others we simply need to start living from our higher better selves and choosing the Good. We know what to do we must simply do it. 

Let's Go!

With Love,

Coach K 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Owning Your Joy

 Let It Begin With Me

The virus, inflation, toilet paper shortages, high gas prices, tornadoes, and quarantines. How can we feel joyful amidst this supposed gloom.  

Easy.  What we focus on expands.  We control our own reality.  When we let outside sources determine our happiness, well being, and state of joy, we surrender our bliss to outside sources.  Naturally, we feel compassion, empathy, and charity to other in times of need. But we do not surrender our joy, our happiness, our bliss to anything or anyone. 

While the media streams and the negativity and tragedy du jour we gobble it up by the spoonful when we decide to tune it and eat the junk food for our minds and psyches.  Thanks but no thanks. 

We have a choice. We create our own realities. We can choose happiness, joy, and peace.

Do we treat each day as a gift, a blessing, that must be treasured. Honored.  We are surrounded by love and light.  Whether it's your children, your wife, your husband, mother, father, brother, sister, or friends.  We have our health, our job, our pets.  Good girl Shay Shay!

Turn down the violence, the Negative news, the doom and gloom. Turn off the TV! Shut it OFF!

Spend some time praying, meditating, with friends, with nature, laughing, exercising, get outside, soak up the fresh air and sunshine.  Take your new found time and rebuild your health and wellness. Spend your time being creative, building that business, trying that new skill you always wanted to do. Read a book.  We do remember books right!  Volunteer, mentor, we have so many wonderful ways to spend our time

There is a big beautiful world out there that is full of love, peace, and joy.

We just need to remember that we find what were looking for so let's start looking in the right place.

Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, December 19, 2021


 Thank You

A simple prayer I like to start and end each day is to simply say
Thank You God! 
I often repeat this throughout the day.  
A simple way to acknowledge all of the blessings and the tremendous abundance we experience each day. 
The simple act of acknowledging the incredible experience of another day, another sunrise, a loving family and friends, good health, or the wind and rain in your face keeps me humble and filled with gratitude. 
So I leave you with a Thank you for taking the time to join me. 
Merry Christmas!
With Love,
Coach K

Health Prescription

 Well Being

How often when we feel tired, nervous, having a cough or a sniffle do we run for the medicine cabinet or the doctor's for a pill or a prescription. This time of year with all the hustle and bustle when can get a little tired and rundown.
When the best thing medicine is right outside in the fresh air.  Did you ever notice that when you just need a break or you are feeling a little frustrated that if you just talk a brisk walk outside you instantly feel better.  
Nature and fresh air is a powerful antidote to whatever ails us.  Go for a walk, a jog, or a run and make it part of your normal routine and watch how the calmness washes over you and any tension just melts away. 
Another powerful health tonic is Quiet.  We need to turn down the noise and just enjoy the peace and silence.  When we are quiet, still, and silent we make space to feel God presence, joy, and love. Be still and know that I am God.
Especially, in these times of working from home, schooling from home, and spending more overall time in our homes we need to make a concerted effort to get out and bask in the sunshine and fresh air.  

Before we reach for the synthetic, give the natural a try it may be just what the Doctor ordered.

To your health with love,

Dr. Q


Blow It Up

The Virus. The tornadoes. The violence.  The politics. The inflation. The climate.

A stream of negativity. The world is bad. People are bad. 


Is your reality my reality?

Who determines your reality? 

What you think, believe, and focus on becomes you and your reality. 

We can see a tornado and a beautiful sunrise.  We can experience both and feel compassion and wonder at the same time.  The key is what do we focus on what do we believe and how does that shape our attitude. 

We can see violence or we can see charity, kindness, and love.  
We can see ugly or we can choose beauty. 
Loss or gain. 
Struggle or victory.

Is the single mother who raised her children to be productive members of the community any less successful than Elon Musk or Warren Buffet.  The material world is full of illusion and since it's our lives we get to choose what we make real. 

So choose your focus, beliefs, and attitude wisely for you'll find that whatever your looking for peace, health, love, wealth, passion, or any other thing that's exactly what you will find. 

What we focus on expands.  If we watch violence, bad news, and surround ourselves in that reality we will find ourselves anxious, worried, fearful, and depressed.  But it we choose our own reality the fresh air, sunshine, nature, love and kindness we see a new world of goodness of hope and expectation.  A world full of love and abundance. 

We live a life of Faith not a life of fear.   What flows from all the negativity is fear. Fear of this fear of that fear of failure. All lies. 

Our life of Faith knows that we a given the gift of life in this day in this moment we must rejoice and be glad.  Our opportunity is tremendous and our simple act of kindness, love, charity, and grace is the most powerful force in the world and showers us with immeasurable blessings. 

When our Faith is strong God anoints us with success and abundance.  We ask and receive and share it all back for then we find our abundance and blessings just continue to pour into our lives. 

Turn down the fear better yet turn it off.  Yes, we know in this world there are challenges there always is and always will be but down through history we have overcome all of these obstacles and thrived. 

And so will you.  We overcome any obstacles with our unrelenting Faith and Divine Spirit.  We are unconquerable! With the Faith of the tiny mustard seed we can accomplish the impossible. 

Turn your focus on the beautiful, the positive, immerse yourself, bathe yourself in goodness, light, connect with your divine self and your divine God and let the Holy Spirit fill you with the wonder and possibility of life.  

It is our choice. What we focus on expands. And if is to be it is up to me.

With the help of the Good Lord of course. 

So, now that we know we can replace that four letter word with an inspiring, powerful, five letter word


Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 Living Our Best Life

How do we live our best life now. Today.  We simply live in the moment.  And treat each precious moment as the gift that it is.  This holiday time of the year when everyone is bustling and looking to get things done by yearend before enjoying the Christmas season we need to just take a breath relax and remember that this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad. 

The gift of the day, the moment is really all that matters.  The work is always there and when the days work is done we let it go and stay in the moment.  Too much of our energy is in the past or in the future. The past is but a memory and the future and tomorrow will take care of itself.  We need to just put our faith in God and trust in the abundance that continues to flow into our lives.  We just humbly and gratefully acknowledge these gifts and share it back with others.  Giving and receiving.  The more we give the more we receive.  Universal principles of life. 

When we keep focus on these spiritual truths fear, worry, and doubt vanish.  God feeds the birds of the sky surely we will be fed and cared for in even greater abundance. 

We have so much and yet we all strive for more as I rush to order gifts, clothe, and shoes, as our closets, houses and lives overflow with stuff.  We all get caught up in the wonder of Christmas. 

But lets also make time for the silence the quiet that helps us connect back to Spirit to God and to our individual divinity.  For it is in this Holy Spirit that we are at peace, calm, rejuvenated, and alive. 

Thank you Father for the most wonderful time of year. 

God Bless. God Speed. 

With Love,

Coach K 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Shay - Our Cavalier King Charles


It just hit me Dog spelled backwards is 


Now we know why dogs are man's best friend.  And so it is with us and our lovely, beautiful, gentle, and graceful member of the family Shay.  Shay is our 12 year old Cavalier King Charles that was a gift for our 10 year old daughter Morgan. Morgan is the first girl in the family after ten consecutive boys and the girl that Grandmom K always wanted.  

So, when she began asking for a dog at the age of three she planted the seed with Mom and Dad. We had three  little lovebirds at the time so things were a little busy, so we waited when they could all chip in and help nurture our little precious puppy. Cavaliers are wonderful family dogs, so gentle, and terrific with children.  And she is so cute! 

Now fast forward twelve years Morgan is a college graduate and an independent strong successful young woman and our puppy is now 84 and the Head of the household.  What wonderful teachers dogs are and this our loving best girl Shay.  

Why do people love dogs? 

Unconditional love is the reason.  Always a wagging tail to greet you. Our Shay always has a smile and kind word, is ready to snuggle and sit on your lap or snore in your ear to put you at ease. She's never grumpy, mean, or angry.  She just wants to sit with you enjoy your company and be your friend. 

Friendship and love is really just about being there for each other. The room can be silent but you can feel the love. Just her gentle presence has brought so much joy and happiness to our home and taught us all to be better human beings.  I asked my bride what was the one thing we did for the family after 35 years. She suggested travel as a family, but I think Shay rates much higher.  Will have to poll the Lovebirds.  Shay wins hands down. 

Our sister just got a tricolor puppy named Remi and she had the same wonderful spirit just a tad more energy. 

Our new family slogan is, "Get Yourself a Cavalier".  Our children gave me a wonderful Father's Day gift with a picture of Shay and I with the very same caption.

To state it simply Cavaliers are great lovers!  Can the same be said for us. 

Do yourself a favor and Get Yourself a Cavalier!

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, December 5, 2021

David McCullough - America's Historian


David McCullough has written two Pulitzer prize winning history books.  The books are Harry Truman and John Adams. 

"May you live every day of your life" from Jonathan Swift is his favorite quote.  A fellow Irish writer of Gulliver's Travels. 

One of my favorite David McCullough books is 1776 which describes the essential year in the battle for Freedom and Independence during the Revolutionary war in which the rag tag Continental Army ultimately bested the mighty Great Britain. 

How the farmer, copper, tinsmith, blacksmith, and book keeper became citizen soldiers and left their families, farms, and livelihoods to fight for the cause of Liberty.  These heroes would sacrifice their lives and fortunes so that we may enjoy our freedoms, comfort, and prosperity. 

We look back now 250 years later and find fault and shortcomings.  Such foolishness.  Which of us can withstand the scrutiny of history.  Instead of judging and casting aspersions better to just say thank you and be grateful for all the abundance that we have enjoyed due to the bravery of such people. 

David McCullough brings this heroes to life and shines the light on their stories and how America became the shining city on a hill within the short time period of a 100 years. 

Liberty and freedom are powerful forces that we can harness to keep America shining bright for years to come.

With Love,

Coach K

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Good to Great

We all try to do our best whether it's sports, work, family, cooking, or health.  Whatever our passions. And while it's fantastic to strive for greatness and to be the best.  

We want to remember  that on our way to greatness that goodness is also a good place to be.  Good to great is fantastic.  We sometimes can get frustrated because we are still working towards greatness or perfection.  And that is fine.  

We will get there with a little patience and perseverance.  

See you goals high and work towards achieving them.  The journey is the best part of the experience. 

So as we climb the ladder of success, remember that the fastest way to get there is to lift others up, for when we do they in turn pull us up to places beyond our imagination.  The great Zig Ziglar said, "you can get anything you want if you just help enough people get what they want."  Simply brilliant. 

You are doing fine.  Keep moving forward more importantly keep moving!

Great is great! But good is great also!

God Bless.

With Love,

Coach K