Monday, December 27, 2021

Creating Your Reality


What is Reality? 

Answer whatever you want it to be.  Sounds simple enough.  But how do we create our reality? With our minds, our thinking, our thoughts, our actions, our doing! Afterall, who chooses what you think and what you do? 

YOU DO! We CHOOSE. It is up to us. 

If it is to BE it is up to ME!!!

Easy right.  So make those CHOICES wisely.  If you fill yourself with junk food and alcohol you become JUNK. And ask yourself if you are made in the image of God and can claim your own divinity why would you do anything else.  Do we think that drinking soda and eating chips, becoming overweight sluggish and lazy is better than having unlimited energy, freedom of movement, and vitality. 

What "Food" our we feeding our minds and our soul or Holy Spirit.  Are we watch junk reality TV or pornography, are we watching violent sports, tv, and movies that give us nightmares and cause sleeplessness. Violent video games with shooting and mayhem.  And having our young children follow in our footsteps.  And then we wonder why everyone is anxious, depressed, and is on all kinds of medicine. 

How about flipping the switch and programming.  Instead of negative programming we use positive programming.  Read some positive thinking books, listen to uplifting music and watch inspiring movies and shows. That is our reality.  Anything we do for paper painted with nice green art versus what we do that is of real value love, friendship, charity, and peace.  Do something we love and sharing it with others making our families, communities, and world a better place is a much better investment.  The abundance will flow to you and follow you.  Just stay the course and stay positive.

The first thing we all must do is get to know God.  God first and foremost wants to be friends with us.  Just like a parent and child loving relationship. We are made in God's image and it is a miracle we made it to this life on earth.  Keep this knowing in your heart and let it be your daily mantra to elevate you through our lives. Have a conversation. God is listening and ready to help.  But we must also take time to listen.  We need to quiet ourselves and our lives, let the peace and tranquility of the Holy Spirit wash over us, cleanse us, and invigorate us. 

Begin each day in humble gratitude with the simple thought and prayer 

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us Rejoice and be Glad.  Thank you God for this day. Thank you thank you thank you. 

Each day, each moment, each breath is a blessing from God.  Everything else we do is a bonus so live life with joy, passion, goodness, and with peace.  God stands for Good.  Do good, be good, get good be one with God.  This will propel us to our dreams, our desires, our successes. 

We are Happy Warriors filled with God's love and we go out in the world and share that love, joy, and peace with every we interact with for in lifting others up we lift ourselves.  We can be a light to others that may be struggling or need a hand up.  They can see us and be inspired.  

If we want a better world for ourselves, our children, and others we simply need to start living from our higher better selves and choosing the Good. We know what to do we must simply do it. 

Let's Go!

With Love,

Coach K 

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