Sunday, December 19, 2021


Blow It Up

The Virus. The tornadoes. The violence.  The politics. The inflation. The climate.

A stream of negativity. The world is bad. People are bad. 


Is your reality my reality?

Who determines your reality? 

What you think, believe, and focus on becomes you and your reality. 

We can see a tornado and a beautiful sunrise.  We can experience both and feel compassion and wonder at the same time.  The key is what do we focus on what do we believe and how does that shape our attitude. 

We can see violence or we can see charity, kindness, and love.  
We can see ugly or we can choose beauty. 
Loss or gain. 
Struggle or victory.

Is the single mother who raised her children to be productive members of the community any less successful than Elon Musk or Warren Buffet.  The material world is full of illusion and since it's our lives we get to choose what we make real. 

So choose your focus, beliefs, and attitude wisely for you'll find that whatever your looking for peace, health, love, wealth, passion, or any other thing that's exactly what you will find. 

What we focus on expands.  If we watch violence, bad news, and surround ourselves in that reality we will find ourselves anxious, worried, fearful, and depressed.  But it we choose our own reality the fresh air, sunshine, nature, love and kindness we see a new world of goodness of hope and expectation.  A world full of love and abundance. 

We live a life of Faith not a life of fear.   What flows from all the negativity is fear. Fear of this fear of that fear of failure. All lies. 

Our life of Faith knows that we a given the gift of life in this day in this moment we must rejoice and be glad.  Our opportunity is tremendous and our simple act of kindness, love, charity, and grace is the most powerful force in the world and showers us with immeasurable blessings. 

When our Faith is strong God anoints us with success and abundance.  We ask and receive and share it all back for then we find our abundance and blessings just continue to pour into our lives. 

Turn down the fear better yet turn it off.  Yes, we know in this world there are challenges there always is and always will be but down through history we have overcome all of these obstacles and thrived. 

And so will you.  We overcome any obstacles with our unrelenting Faith and Divine Spirit.  We are unconquerable! With the Faith of the tiny mustard seed we can accomplish the impossible. 

Turn your focus on the beautiful, the positive, immerse yourself, bathe yourself in goodness, light, connect with your divine self and your divine God and let the Holy Spirit fill you with the wonder and possibility of life.  

It is our choice. What we focus on expands. And if is to be it is up to me.

With the help of the Good Lord of course. 

So, now that we know we can replace that four letter word with an inspiring, powerful, five letter word


Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Coach K

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