Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Financial Freedom

 One of the most important things you can do as an individual is to be an investor not a consumer. What does that mean? Simply we buy assets not things.  Assets hopefully go up in value while things typically go down in value. 

We all need the essentials in our daily lives food, water, and shelter, but the $5 coffees, the latest electronic gadget, and numerous other expenses eat away at your financial freedom.  Whether it's real estate, stocks, a business or any other type of investment that has the potential to increase in value or grow your income this is where you need to place a percentage of your income.  Whether it's 5% or 10% or even 1% begin to invest your money with a plan to grow your money over time. Because as we all know time is passing just like the river that continues to flow, and if you make the decision today to be an investor and not a consumer you have more power to create the future that you desire. 

You are empowered. 

Some simple changes today can give you the freedom you desire.  A word on investing.  Investing involves risk. You will lose money on some of your investments That's ok investing is a marathon not a sprint. Many investments like real estate that are purchased at the top of the market and seem expensive turn out to be bargains when viewed ten years later.  Real estate can be a hedge against inflation and also provide income.  The same is true for equity investments if you invest in the S&P 500 at the top of the market and it goes down a few months later don't become discouraged.  Simply buying a low cost S&P index fund that invests in the top 500 companies in the U.S. and automatically adds and drops companies so you always have the top companies in your portfolio. Long term investing smooths out the short term volatility. 

A word on company sponsored 40lK retirement plans.  When someone gives you free money take it! Many companies will match your investment up to 6% and you can do this with tax free money.  The nice thing about a Retirement plan is that it forces you to think longer time.  And when you change jobs you can take that money with you. 

The power of Compounding.  When you let your money grow over the long term you are able to take advantage of compounding that is letting any annual interest to grow year over year. Start today to make sure your money works as hard as you do.  By paying yourself first, saving 10% of your money, and investing in assets such as real estate and stock index funds you can turn acorns into oaks and wake up one day wealth. 

Remember your greatest wealth is your health. And wealth is excellent for your health. 

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Good Health - Plug In


One of the easiest and most powerful things you can do for your overall health is to get outside in your bare feet and step on the grass.  The simple act of standing in barefoot in the grass for several minutes per day can reduce inflammation, encourage healing, relieve pain, and improve sleep.  

Plugging in to the earth's natural electromagnetic waves can stimulate electrons that help in the healing process.  For those of us that are unable to go barefoot in the grass with can simulate the electromagnetism by using interior grounding mats in our beds, on our feet, or on our hands.  The mats simply plug into the grounding prong of an electrical outlet which connects us with the ground that all home electrical outlets utilize. 

For those of us that are skeptical, what do you have to lose.  Try your own experiment and see if it helps with pain and healing. And the best part is that it's absolutely free and easy to do.

To Your Health,

Coach K

Friday, May 10, 2024



When the world knows God

Horses fertilize the fields

When the world ignores God

Horses are bred for war 

There is no greater calamity than desire

No greater curse than greed

Know that enough is enough

And you'll always have enough

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Teach The Children Well

The Family

The educational environment has been extremely challenging the past few years as students and parents dealt with the pandemic, school closings, and remote learning. We all know how important good teachers and schools are to the development of our children. When you think about it our children spend as much time in school as they do with their families. And during these formative, impressionable young years, they can impact students lives in significant ways. 

And while good teachers and schools are essential to the development of our children, the education and development of our children is the primary responsibility of the parents. We are the first and foremost teachers of our children, it is our duty and obligation to raise loving, kind, self-sufficient, productive children that will will lead to fulfilling lives and be contributing members of society.  Yes, that's quite a responsibility!  And of all the challenges that parents have nothing is more sacred than raising your children well. 

One of the challenges is raising children today, is the emergence of single parent households. We know how hard it is to raise children with two parents, and I know firsthand the obstacles facing single mothers and single parents. The family unit has changed in a dramatic way over the past few decades.  In the 1980's, approximately 80% of children were born in a two parent family. Today, the number of two parent families is 60% and that figure is dramatically lower for certain ethnicity's. 

As we've shifted to a more materialistic and consumer based society, we've become more selfish and self absorbed. We see that the young generation is delaying marriage and deciding not to have children at all.  There is no social policy that will overcome broken families. We cannot rely on our schools or the government to raise our families. 

There is no greater responsibility or even moral imperative to raise our children and to quote the Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young song 

Teach them Well!

With Love,

Coach K