Monday, November 15, 2021

Peaceful Calm Healthy

 To Be Enlightened.  Meaning? To see the Light.  To Be the Light.

Either way the meaning sounds pretty good and the Word sound good. 

Our words have power. That's why it's IMPORTANT what we say and how we speak.

Practice speaking using loving, kind, caring, supportive language with yourself and others. This the fatest way to inner peace and tranquility.  When you fill yourself and others with joy, goodness, and positivity you naturally become that very essence. 

Yes, that simple.  But challenging in a way.  We can control our sensory environment just like we can control what we put into our bodies.  Our bodies are Temples and what we feed them is sacred.  T for Temple U! University! Had to get in that Shout Out for the alma mater.  And so it it with our minds and Spirit.  

Just like the body want to be nourished so do the mind and Spirit.  When need to fill them with uplifting, joyful, inspiring, thoughts, words, deeds, and imagery. Gratuitous violence, negativity, news, and entertainment only dampen our Spirit. And impede our children. 

That's why we need to be mindful what we feed ourselves. We need to reconnect with our Spirit. 

We need to ask for God's help and immerse ourselves in God's love and forgiveness. For when we stumble and we all do we know that God is merciful and kind and welcomes us with loving arms. 

When we lead EGO centric lives or Edge God Out lives we are focused on ourselves, materialism, consumerism, and other earthly pleasures.  

When we focus on the higher vibrations of peace, love, charity, hope, and compassion we move to the higher realms toward goodness, enlightenment, and Godliness.  

Remember we are made in the image of God.  And one our purposes is to reveal and connect with that Divinity. God wants us to do his work on earth and practice his teachings and his learnings so that we can be at Peace. 

A wonderful book ont this subject is Power vs Force by Dr. David M. Hawkins which describes how the body inherently knows if something is good for us and when the object is held, viewed, heard or experienced through the senses it will go weak or strong depending its inherent energy vibration. Fascinating and right on the money! Check it out. 

Try reading the Bible or other spiritual texts and see if the wonderful words resonate and inspire you. Oftentimes, we don't need a prescription for a pill.  

We just need to begin Feeding ourselves the Good stuff!

With Love and To Your Health,

Coach K

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