Monday, October 25, 2021

PEACE - Let it Go


Let there be peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me.  With every breath I take let this be my solemn vowel. To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. 

And so it is.

The peace that we desire comes from within.  You can have all the peace in the world if you can just learn to enjoy yourself.  The challenges of daily living sometimes bubbles up and over within us leading to frustration, anxiety, and anger.  Let it go!

Let it GO!  We are needlessly frustrating ourselves are bringing unhappiness into our lives by the way we are choosing to think and live. 

Why give your emotions over to a stranger that may have accidently cut you off on the road, leading to anger and road rage.  Why let a supposed slight from a friend or loved one get on your nerves, perhpas they were just trying to be supportive. The point is that WE control our emotions, happiness, and well being not outside forces or even those close to us. 

Many times those closest to us may say or do hurtful things that may cause us grief and unhappiness, but we have the power to turn into constructive criticism if needed or to dismiss entirely.  The choice is OURS. 

And no matter what our choice.  We choose PEACE.

Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of Soul.  This is true happiness, contentment, and success.

To your health and well being!


With Love,

Coach K

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