Thursday, November 21, 2024

Baby K


Baby K

is on her way 

Gotta get ready 

for Baby K

Baby K 

loves to play

Gonna strum the guitar

for Baby K

Baby K

loves to play

Gonna hit the fairways 

with Baby K

Baby K

Is on her way

Gonna have a party

for Baby K

With Love,

Coach K

Monday, November 18, 2024

Gut Health

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are excellent for our overall health and especially our gut health which impacts our microbiome. Microbiome is just a fancy word for the bacteria that live in our bodies and are essential to our immune system. 

One of the best fermented foods you can eat for your gut health is Sauerkraut.  The fermented food is a natural probiotic and it is cheap, natural, and tasty.  Our stomach and digestive system is key to breaking down our food and having those nutrients flow to our cells, tissues, and organs. The digestive process is aided by good bacteria which strengthens the overall immune system. 

You could say that a strong immune system starts with gut health. There are many other fermented foods to add to your eating plan like Greek yogurt, apple cider vinegar, lemons/limes, bone broth, kombucha, kimchi, even a little red wine. Fermented foods have all the beneficial prebiotics and probiotics that aid in digestion, elimination, and promoting a strong robust immune system. 

High fiber foods such as leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, and berries are a power foods that are excellent for our colon and intestinal health. 

Try and incorporate fermented foods into your overall nutrition plan it may just be one of the best overall health steps you can take. 

To Your Health!

With Love,

Coach K


 The Importance of Fathers

Being a Father is the best "job" you will ever have.  The job is not easy but anything worthwhile entails sacrifice. We men are inherently selfish, we think the entire world revolves around us. OK that's not too far off.  

There is nothing in life you will do, achieve, or accomplish more important of gratifying than raising loving, caring, and productive children. Loving and teaching the children is the parents and Father's primary responsibility.  And as the great basketball coach John Wooden once said, that the best thing a father can do for his children is to love his wife. So true.  

Once the children are born our priorities shift. We know that marriages aren't perfect, but we must do our best and commit to each other and the children. One of the reasons younger people are hesitant to get married or have children is that so many have come from dysfunctional families. And while we can teach and lecture our children while they grow, we know that it goes in one ear and out the other. We also know that no matter what we say, they are always watching us. And our actions are more important than our words. 

One of the benefits of being raised by a single mother was learning the value of resiliency.  Despite the challenging times of no heat or lack of food, she was there for us. She simply stayed and did her best. Parents and fathers must keep their commitments our children and families our depending on us. 

And as you grow older and the dirty diapers and midnight feedings fade, you will enjoy the loving glow of being surrounded by your Lovebirds.  When I get to spend a few hours playing golf with my boys it is the most enjoyable thing in the world.  

Fathers need to get their priorities straight.  The big house, fancy car, and all the money in the world means nothing if your children and family are in tatters. Find a good partner, love them, and raise your children. 

Time is passing quickly and they will be adults in a blink of an eye.  And when your wonderful children turn into good adults, you will reflect for a moment and say, with God's help look what we created. You can do it and it will certainly be the best thing you ever accomplish. 

We have a wonderful example in Jesus. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his children,  and we are called to just be there for our children and do our best. Keep God close.  And remember with God all things are possible.  And as Jesus said, you can do all that I have done and more if you but believe. 

With Love,

Coach K

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


 With God All Things Are Possible

When we define the word limitless it simply means without limits.  Why should we put limits on ourselves? We were born to Fly!  And while limits are good for controlling some excesses, we should not put any limits on what we can accomplish, achieve, and do. How do we know what we can accomplish when we are not even sure of our skills and talents. 

This is where the power of prayer, and thought, and most importantly faith that you will realize your dreams and desires. We need to disconnect from the pervasive negativity and often surrounds us and adversely influences our thinking.  Don't put limits on yourself stay open to the possibilities of today and tomorrow. 

Read books that inspire you, that support you, that encourage you.  Seek out supportive people and mentors they are out there.  When you surround yourself with turkeys, you stay grounded.  When you surround yourself with Eagles, you learn to soar. 

A simple powerful and effective idea. Write you GOALS and DREAMS down!  You can keep them private but when you write your dreams down you bring them one step closer to reality. 

Many of the most successful people have come from poverty, broken homes, poor health, and abuse to rise to incredible levels.  Don't let your place today stop you from achieving your dreams.

And as Jesus said, "You can do all that I have done and more if you but believe."

With Love,

Coach K

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Sinuses Allergies - Coconut Oil

I used to have Asthma so I was very sensitive to breathing issues.  I would always get seasonal allergies, itchy eyes, scratchy throat, and a stuffy nose.  I would breathe through my mouth while sleeping and wake up with a sneezing attack trying to clear the sinuses. 

I then found a natural cure with using Coconut oil. Coconut oil is an antifungal, antibacterial, and a great moisturizer which can accelerate healing.  While working several years in a manufacturing environment for several years and during the pandemic, I started to swab my nostrils with coconut oil thinking it was a great moisturizer and a antibacterial/antifungal.  My thinking is that everything enters the body/bloodstream through the sinuses, and if we can provide a protective barrier we can eliminate many of these health issues. I was fortunate to not experience any health issues during the pandemic while working in the plant every day. 

Now that I've been using coconut oil for several years I no longer get seasonal allergies, gone is my scratch throat and itchy eyes.  I breathe through my nose while sleeping and most importantly am rarely sick.  Coconut oil is inexpensive and by simply swabbing your nostrils regularly you can see a big improvement in your health and quality of life.  

Give it a try and see if it works for you.

To Your Health!

With Love,

Coach K

The Anxious Generation - A Remedy.

A new book  The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt details the rise of the phone based childhood and it's impact on the mental health of our children. 

The phone and social media addiction is not only afflicting our children but also our adult population.  The continuous screen time and endless flickering from one image to another has shortened our attention spans and of course ramped up our ADDD. 

There is a better way. 

We need active parenting.  I know raising three Lovebirds the challenges facing parents.  The burden is even heavier for single parent families.  Our Mom raised four boys as a single mother and she was tough on us and we were tough on her.  And while we had many rough days, she stayed the course made sure we stayed on the right path and was our heroine.  

We know it's easy to stick the kids in front of the tv, phone, or let them play video games. Parents do need to catch their breath every now and then.  But there is a better way.  Do a little homework, read a book, go outside and play.  Less screen time is of the utmost importance.  And there is a cure for anxiety, depression, and a way to dramatically improve our mental health. 

The simple answer is Nature. 

We spend 99% of our time indoors these day at most of that is in front of some type of screen.  If we can spend more time outdoors, in the soft sunshine, deep breathing in the fresh air, and letting nature wash over us and naturally decompress us we can harness the healing power of the outdoors.  And if we can spend time in the woods amongst the majestic trees even better. When we combine a little exercise like walking or jalking which is the combination of walking interspersed with sprinting or running, we enable our bodies to release the feel good chemicals of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins which can relieve pain, stress and anxiety, while improving our sense of well being.

There are three easy, free, exercise that we can do every day -

  • Get outside and breath in the fresh air.  Try the deep breathing method of first exhaling from the mouth with your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. Next inhale through the nose while comfortably holding your breath and then exhaling through the mouth with your tongue against the roof of your mouth.  Repeat 4 times.  And try to do it throughout the day. 
  • Get exposure to the soft sun.  Whether it's the morning or late afternoon. The sun is essential for life. Avoid sunburn at all times.  Soft gentle sun is what we need. 
  • Grounding or earthing. Simply walking barefoot in in the grass, on the beach enables us to to plug into the earth's beneficial electromagnetic waves.  Our entire body and heart is an electrical impulse.  Grounding is a way to naturally reduce inflammation in the body. 
A little prayer power goes a long way.  Regardless of your faith, try connecting with our highest divine self.  We are made in the image of God and when we get to know this power that resides within in all of us we can achieve anything.  

And as Jesus told us, "You can do all that I have done and more, if you but believe"

With Love, 

Coach K


 The beautiful BEET is a power food.  Great for your blood, blood pressure, and loaded with good nitrates.  Beets are loaded with nitric oxides which relaxes and widens blood vessels thereby increasing blood flow and reducing blood pressure.  Increased nitric level help improve oxygen flow throughout the body and to vital organs.  Beets are also high in fiber. 

Skip the expensive starburst like candy beet chews.  Beets are inexpensive and easy to eat.  I simply wash and throw in the Vitamix.  Beets are naturally sweet and if you like pickled beets simply add a little apple cider vinegar.  You can buy a six beets for about 5 bucks and the beet greens are just as nutritious as the beets. 

For excellent heart, cardiovascular, and pulmonary health just BEET it!

To Your Health!

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Power of Gentleness

 Jesus said, "Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart."  St. Francis De Sales, the Gentleman Saint, said, Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength. 

The soft water conquers the hardest granite and mightiest mountain.  

We should all try to add a little more gentleness in our lives. 

With Love,

Coach K