Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You've Got A Friend - Find A Mentor

You've Got A Friend

We all need family, friends, coaches, someone, anyone that will support us on our journey. We need someone in our corner, that has our back, someone that will be there when we stumble, to catch us when we fall.

Our goals and dreams are precious. We are each unique and have special talents to share with the world. We must remember that and keep at it even when life beats us down. I had some very special people in my life that took me in and supported me during a challenging time, and I was grateful and able to repay the favor. I'm always looking for supportive people to help me improve.

There are plenty of people, too many, that will tell us it can't be done. That we aren't good enough. That are dreams are crazy. These people are often well intentioned but also misguided. The great achievers have to over come self doubt and all those doubters. That's OK. We need to tune those folks out. And not in a mean or angry way but just with the acknowledgement that they don't understand and we need to keep moving forward.

There are people that will support you, guide you, help you, nurture, and love you unconditionally. They are out there. FIND THEM! Ask them for help. If you can't find one, look to history there's plenty of excellent role models that were seeking to accomplish their own dreams, some that may be similar to yours. A good mentor or friend wants to help you achieve your dreams.

The great Toy Story movie was built on the simple principle of friendship between the boy Andy and his toys Woody and Buzz. A main part of the movie's success was the theme song by Randy Newman "You've Got A Friend In Me".

Here's to reaching your dreams. And remember

You've Got a Friend in Me

All the Best,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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