Monday, August 15, 2016

Lymph Nodes

Lymph Nodes

The lymphatic system is used to remove toxins from our body.  Lymph nodes are located in our neck, armpits, and groin.  Where the liver and kidneys help cleanse our blood, the lymph nodes help remove waste from our cells.  They are an important part of our body's immune and detox system.

One of the things I recently learned is that we can help the lymph system remove toxin by simply jumping or bouncing.  That's why it's so important to incorporate some movement or exercise into our daily lives.  Being an ardent proponent of the jump rope, we find another benefit of the low impact exercise of jumping rope, and that is detoxifying our bodies.  Simple jumping jacks will also do.

Deep breathing is also beneficial for the lymph system, inhaling and holding our breath for a count of two, and then exhaling for a count of four helps eliminate toxins.  Deep breathing is also great for reducing stress and helping lower blood pressure. 

A strong immune system is key to our overall health and keeping the lymph nodes healthy and clear is an easy way to keep you healthy and strong.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

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