Monday, October 17, 2022

Fasting - A Better Way to Eat

 Most of our health issues are tied to Eating.  We all know the old saying, "You are what you eat".  And while that is true it's also true of how/when we eat. 

Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, and Inflammation can be helped by simply changing How and When We Eat. 

We have heard all the nutritional advice about good foods and bad foods and the confusion around certain foods.  Eggs? Good. 

The theory around Fasting is that most American diets involve constantly eating.  Three meals per day and snacking in between.  The body is always working to digest our food. When we give our bodies a break from eating and digesting, the body works at cleaning up damaged cells, giving the kidneys, liver, and pancreas the opportunity to rest and recover. 

Instead of eating constantly we can shift our pattern to eating during an 8 hour or less window.  So, we sleep for 8 hours, eat for 8 hours, and fast or don't eat for 8 hours.  Ideally, we want to be not eating or digesting for 16 hours/day or more.  You have the flexibility to choose the 8 hour eating period but it should be consecutive hours, such as eating from 12noon - 8pm. 

Besides losing weight and increasing energy, one of the most powerful benefits is the releasing of good hormones such as Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Testosterone, and IGF-1.  These hormones may act as a Fountain of Youth for older folks. 

Do some additional research and see if Fasting is right for you. 

To your health,

Coach K

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