Saturday, December 23, 2023

A Knowing


A Knowing.  Interesting word.  Interesting concept.  Shakespeare wrote, "To Thine Own Self Be True." We are many things, many talents, ideas, and possibilities but at our core we are these wonderfully Divine beings.  We are powerful, gentle, souls that are gliding through this dance called life. 

How many of us are even aware of this fact.  In this Christmas season of giving, give yourself the gift of true life.  The gift of Knowing your Divine essence and your ability to create miracles in your life and others.  

Jesus said, "You can do all that I have done and more if you but believe.  And with the faith of the tiniest mustard seed, you can move mountains."

Think of the times you were inspired and you created or achieved something wonderful.  A great performance, a great game, a story, a painting, an idea, a solution, overcoming an obstacle, changing a life, saving a life.  These moments of Light are within us, surround us, and are available to us at all times. We can access our Holy Spirit when we live from our higher selves. The Self that is gentle, kind, loving, compassionate, charitable, calm, and omnipotent.  

We have this ineffable power that resides dormant because we dwell in the everyday noise of human activity.  The hustle and bustle of everyday life that often comes with negativity, violence, low energy, anger, and frustration.  Our lifestyles often sap our energy leaving us tired and listless which limits our ability to access our creative, intelligent, inspired part of ourselves.  When we spend to much of our time on our human wants and needs and not enough feeding our divine spiritual selves we risk having that wonderful part of us, our Souls, become dormant and even non existent. 

When we feed ourselves both physically and spiritually the good stuff, we can reactive our spiritual selves and live a richer more fulfilling life. Turn down the noise, turn off the negative news, movies, and entertainment.  Seek out the better, fine qualities in all parts of your life and see how it enriches you and others. When we quiet ourselves and seek solitude and peace we can access and live more purposely from our higher selves. 

We can start by  praying or simply talking to God.  We are reminded that we should "Ask and it should be given unto you.  Ask and Receive.  Give and Receive"  A simple prayer of Thanks is  incredibly powerful.  When we give thanks it focuses our awareness on gratitude on the sublime gift of Life, of each wonderful moment, of each precious breath.  

We have our divine human bodies, our holy temples that house our divine soul and spirit.  Feed your body good health food, feed your mind good knowledge and literature, and above else feed yourself the Word of God and let your Divine essence and spirit shine throughout your life and the lives of others. 

Because each of us has a Light that can truly change the world. 

Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Coach K

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