What You Desire Desires You
And I thought what a simple yet profound statement. The idea that our desires can become reality seemed like a great idea to a kid that was raised on welfare and food stamps. I had a little hunger for something better at a young age. I would read Think And Grow Rich by Napolean Hill and later The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer that discussed the importance of a wealth mindset and an excellent attitude.
We experience realizing our desires in our everyday life whether it's from a drink of water or eating an egg. When we get the Iphone that we desire or the book or concert ticket. These relatively little things also apply to the bigger things like our health, Love, an education, a house, a career, and even wealth.
What you think about expands. And really are all based on timeless spiritual or biblical principles.
Asking and Receiving
With God all things are Possible
Faith. With the faith of a tiny mustard seed we can move mountains
You Can Do All that I have done and more, if you but Believe
The challenge is that so many of us are not familiar with these principles or have not been exposed to the teachings of Jesus. An easy way to learn about Jesus is to read his talk to the people in The Sermon on the Mount.
We have to shift our attitudes from negative to POSITIVE. We need enthusiasm to accomplish our goals, dreams, and desires. We need to disconnect from the negative news and focus on the good in the universe and our world. Simple things like our breath, fresh air, and sunshine help us focus on the gift of everyday life. Start small and build and remove yourself from any Toxic environment.
When what you desire shows up in your life remember to say Thank You and express Gratitude for all that shows up in your life.
With God All Things Are Possible!
With Love,
Coach K
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