Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just Begin

How many of us talk about pursuing our passion but never really get started. One of the many reasons for not living the life we're meant to, the life we've dreamed about is our fear of letting go, our fear of failure, our duty to responsibilities and obligations. But do we really want to go through our lives, run our race, complete our journey without doing what we really love. Without attempting to learn what our true purpose is, and the contentment that accompanies the loving pursuit of passion, we wind up wading in that middle ground. Successful perhaps but yet still yearning and unfulfilled.  That something telling us that there is something more is the voice of inspiration calling to all of us. Guiding us, nudging us to tap into our creative side and share our joy and talents with the world. 

I know what you're thinking and what you're saying to yourself. Yes But!!! The big But. I have responsibilities, I have bills, mortgage, children, college education, have to put food on the table, and the list goes on. We've all been there or are there now. A simple suggestion, just begin doing what you love as a hobby, nurture it, heed it, watch how it grows. Paint, write, sing, build, teach, play, volunteer, share, whatever the passion! Get out there and share it with the universe! First, you'll be happier and more content because you're doing what you love. Second, pay attention to the "coincidences" that begin to happen. Friends and strangers start asking about your services and products.  Let it grow, stay out of your own way with the doubt/fear, you can live your life of joy if you just allow it to happen. 

As the Chinese proverb goes, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step. Let's not focus on the end, let us just take one simple step in the direction of our dreams and begin to lead a life of passion. 

All the Best.

Coach K

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