Monday, December 13, 2010

A Simple Recipe for Success and Happiness

How do we become successful? What is success? Success is one of those ideas that is hard to measure, hard to quantify. I often think that success is a result of doing what we want to do with our lives, sharing our unique talents with the world.  If we enjoy doing what we love and sharing our talent, then as a result we will be successful and happy. Simple enough right. Yes, but HOW!

How do we becme successful and happy
What ever we set out to accomplish  for ourselves, our business, or with others it's important that we keep our committment.  I remember a young buck was starting a landscaping business in the neighborhood and dropped a flyer in the mailbox. I was looking for some help with the lawn and gave him a call. After deciding that he seemed like a nice guy, responsible, and earnest. We agreed that he would cut the grass, I was the first house to use him in the neighborhood.  Before he started, I offered him some simple advice. DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU'RE GOING TO DO.  If we agree that you're going to cut the grass weekly, then show up and cut the grass. Simple right. He provides the service, I provide the cash, but how many times do people and businesses fail in this simple concept.

Big Achievements Start with Small Accomplishments
The product didn't do what was advertised. The contractor that was supposed to show up for the work doesn't show, the mechanic doesn't fix the car, the cable kees going out.  Successful people do what they say they are going to do, they follow-through, they keep their committments to themselves and others. Start with the little things you say you will do every day. Do you do what you say you're going to do. You told your child you would take them to the movies, you promised a friend you would call, help someone move, or attend a party.  Now things come up, plans change we all know that but these simple acts of keeping our word, keeping our committment, give us the energy, confidence, and determination to accomplish our bigger goals. Without realizing it we develop personal integrity, a trueness to ourselves, and the knowing that I will accomplish what I set out to do.

Keeping Committments To Your Self
Whether you looking to make a million dollars, start you own dream business, accomplish some health or fitness goal, graduate high school or college, or become a better parent. The way to advance in life is to keep your committments starting with yourself.  I want to eat healthier, I want to exercise more, read more, be a little kinder to my spouse and kids, spend more time with my family, advance my career, finish that project, take that trip.  All these wonderful things start with an idea, a thought.  All of these goals, ideas, thoughts, involve many tasks and steps, and just like everything in life we start at the beginning.  Begin, and remember when you do stumble, stumble forward, forgive yourself, and keep moving ahead. I'm eating healthier but I occasionally snack, I'm exercising more but sometimes i take a few days off, I'm earning my degree but had a bad test.  Whatever it is give yourself leeway while keeping the committment.  I do what I say I'm going to do!

Your small successes will become your big achievements!

Continued Success. All the best.

Much Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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