Friday, December 24, 2010

A Wagging Tail - Puppy Power

A few family members and friends are getting puppies as gifts this year.  I know the little balls of energy are a lot of work especially for Mom and Dad.  Don't believe that the kids will take care of the dog! You will be the one feeding, caring, and walking the dog.  In the beginning, you are adding an extra child to the family, but the effort is so worth it.  We all know of pets transforming lives bringing love and joy to a lonely, listless person or home.

What is about pets that attract us.  Why do we feel the need to add an extra mouth to feed, care for something else, and add another item to our already long list of things to do.  Our daughter has been asking for a dog for 10 years but we kept putting it off.  Too much work, not enough time, all that good stuff.  Children instinctively are attracted to the love and energy of a pet, they intuitively feel the connection and form an instant bond.  What attracts all of us to our pets especially the children is the unconditional love, joy, enthusiasm, and energy that they provide.

When your dog greets you it's tail is ALWAYS wagging!  How wonderful is that simple gesture of a wagging tail always greeting us with it's great to see you and I love you no matter what!

There's a reason we naturally gravitate to the wagging tail, it's called JOY! Our preference is to be around people and things that are uplifting, happy, joyful, and loving.  All the more so when those wonderful emotions come without judgement and prejudice. Wouldn't it be nice if humans had a tail and then we could see if the person is happy, sad, or fearful. Well, the good thing is that we do come with our own tails and for us it's the face, more specifically our eyes, our smiles. But how often do our tails wag?

Yes, we have a lot going on in our lives.  Adults, children, and families are busier than ever before but maybe we can start treating each other especially our loved ones with a little more kindness and a little more love.  Let's leave our past hurts behind, drop the judgement, try to forgive and forget. Live fully in the present moment.  Try to smile more, laugh more, drop the frown, lose the negativity, and restore the twinkle in your eyes. Watch how your energy and vitality improve.

 Keep that tail wagging!

All the best and continued success.

Much Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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