Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Do You View The World?


Do you view the world as a friendly place.

What are your beliefs? Do you believe that you deserve success, happiness, love, health, and all the wonderful things life has to offer. We often find it challenging to think we deserve or that we're entitled to all
of life's gifts, but anything you've ever achieved or received has begun with a thought, idea, or belief.

Anything you've acquired in your life began as a thought.  From buying a car, phone, deciding what to eat for dinner, or what movie to watch, it started with a simple idea. The same is true for the bigger things in our lives, from choosing a spouse, school, career, or a philosophy of how to live our lives.


What do we expect from life. Do we expect to be happy. Do we expect good things. Do we have any expectations at all. Often we find ourselves living reactively and expecting the worst. This negative self talk is very harmful and of course leads to undesirable results. Most of the time we find ourselves talking, acting, and behaving this way without any realization on our part.

We wake-up hear the news, mostly bad then go to sleep again watching the news mostly bad and we become conditioned to this negative messaging and negative expecations. Let's make a simple shift to positive expectations, expect good things to happen, look for the good things in your life. Try and catch yourself next time you start beating yourself up when something doesn't go your way. Stop the "this always happens to me" and "i'm no good, i'm fat, ugly, stupid" chatter! Sure bad things happen we make mistakes but do we let this define us and our lives.


We have so much to be grateful for, we woke up today, we have our health, we have freedom, we have the gift of LIFE and yet we find ourselves griping about some inconsequential thing. Pay attention to the language you use to with yourself and others especially your loved ones, catch yourself when you start playing back old disempowering memories and replace them with good energizing thoughts.

Being good to yourself starts with speaking and thinking highly of yourself and others. Try thinking of the world as a friendly place working with you to deliver all your heart's desires. Start giving yourself and others compliments. Pay attention to how often you smile and laugh throughout the day.

Just like the sunshine warms and energizes, a more postive attitude and outlook will bring more success into your life. Yes you deserve all of the good things life has to offer. Start by thinking of the world as a friendly place partnering with you to make your dreams come true.

Continued Success and All the Best,

Much Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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