Friday, June 8, 2012

The F Word

We all know the F word, it holds so many of us back from life's wonderful adventures and from living our true potential.

The F word is Fear.

Fear of Failure
Fear of Poverty
Fear of Success
Fear of Ridicule
Fear of Not Fitting In
Fear of Death
Fear of Sickness
Fear of Fill in the Blank ...........

How do we overcome our fears.  We all have fears that we have surmounted. How have we done it?

Persistence, Perseverance, and Patience. I love alliteration.  The more we face our fears the smaller they become and their grip on us begins to fade. I  look to history to see the obstacles some of the great achievers have overcome and that helps me put my "mountains" in perspective, there goes another P word.

Fear keeps us from enjoying the beauty of everyday life, from savoring the flavor of each moment.  Things will work out, things will be ok.  Be confident, have faith, and talk to a friend. We are not alone. Any challenge that we are facing has been overcome by someone, and if they can do it so can we. When we turn the light on our fears, the darkness is dispelled.

Hold onto the belief that you will succeed no matter what and the F word will go from fear to


With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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