Monday, June 25, 2012

Change Your Language Change Your Life

We all know people that are rain clouds, we may even be one ourselves. You know the type. Ask them how things are going and you'll get a long list of all that is wrong in the world.  Don't blame them, it's not their fault. We are continually inundated on a daily basis, we all the trials and tribulations of life from the economy to the job market, to the weather, to our health.

Turn down the noise, better yet turn it off!

Pay attention to the language you use on a daily basis, is it hopeful, kind, loving, joyful, expectant.  Or is it something else.

Try an experiment.  Look to eliminate words like hate and can't.  Try to catch yourself every time you go to put yourself or someone else down. Try to limit any use of profanity.  For a week keep a journal of the words you use, try and interrupt yourself when you slip into old habits.  When we take the simple step of using high energy words, our attitudes improve, our mood elevates, and vitality increases.

Our overall health and well being can be dramatically improved by simply changing the language we use with ourselves and others.

Give it a try

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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