Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Universe is a Friendly Place

The Universe is a friendly place.  Yes, I said it.  In today's world of mega media headlines it's easy to think of the world as a dangerous, unfriendly place just waiting to knock us down. But does that empower us or instill us with confidence to do the things we want to do or become the person of our dreams.

The Universe has given us life and the beauty of today.  We are surrounded by beautiful sunrises, blue sky, trees, mountains, rivers, and oceans, and we get to enjoy the show for free every day.  Yes, we have challenges but we need to keep those in perspective. When we realize that the universe will give us everything we ask of it and will conspire with us to help live our dreams, we can shrug off the little setbacks and disappointments and continue on our path.

Try thinking of the world as a friendly place with the resources and people you need to accomplish anything you set out to do. We all have the divine spark that can burn through any of life's intermittent fog.

And remember when the fog lifts there is sunshine.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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