Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nutrition - A Healthier Way

Sugar has found it's way into our food stream in a myriad of ways, and many times without our knowing.  The natural product grown from the good earth sugar cane is fine, but when we begin the processing we need to be mindful. We need to know the various names for sugar these days fructose, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, added juices, and the list goes on.

The cheap man made ingredient HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP permeates all of our food products, from crackers, bread, beverages, to soups.  Now as the health dangers of HFCS have come to light the manufacturers simply rename the product and use the label Corn Syrup.

Our processed foods are laced with these products. Stick with a balanced diet concentrated in natural products and loaded with vegetables and fruits.  Read the label and if you can't pronounce the ingredient move on.  I know this is challenging for many of us that have been raised on these products, but our very health and well being is at stake.

We can use good nutrition to energize and heal ourselves with our food and eliminate the need for  prescription drugs. Try limiting the sugar and processed foods for a week, see how you feel. See how your mood and energy levels elevate.  See how you begin to lose the extra pounds.

To our health!

With Love,

Coach K

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