Tuesday, April 2, 2013

10 Lessons From Dad

10 Lessons From Dad

1. Know that your Mom and Dad love you very much.  We love you unconditionally.  That means when you do well and when you screw up.  The best thing we ever accomplished or will ever achieve in life is having you as children and being parents.  Nothing else even comes close.

2. You are special.  Not better than anyone. Special, unique.  You have been given the gift of life. You all have unique talents that you will uncover as you go through life.  Your key to happiness is to develop those talents, use those talents, and share those talents. Your talents are usually linked to the things you like, the things you enjoy.

3. Treat yourself and everyone you meet with love, kindness, and respect.  It's easy to do this with nice people such as family and friends, but can be a challenge to strangers or especially those that are mean and rude.  We are part of the same human race and everyone should be treated with dignity.  You don't need to take abuse, and you need to defend yourself, but the easiest and best thing to do is remove yourself from the situation.

4. Be nice.  Being nice to others solves many challenges in life. When you have a chance to help someone do it.  Sometimes all that is needed is a smile and a look that says you care. Yes, you will encounter jerks, maybe they are having a bad day.  Don't let them make you become a jerk.  Send them a silent thought of encouragement and go on your way.

5.  Be Giving.  Give of your time, energy, talents, joy, money, hope, and encouragement.  The world needs good people. You are good people. Share the love.

6.  Take care of each other and lend a helping hand to others when you can.  Grandma K always told us to stick together and to take care of your own.  I know it's hard to imagine between the bickering over computers, food, the shower, and the toilet seat that you are the best friends you will ever have in your lives.  As you grow older, remember to stay in touch with one another and help each other in good times and bad.

7.  Believe in yourself.  Self confidence is one of the most important traits to have.  Believe in what you are doing, find people that support you, and will help you.  Seek good advice and then make your own decision, it's your life.  And remember Dad is always here for you.

8.   Be adventurous.  Life is fun.  Go out and experience life, do things, visit places, make friends.  Be more interested in experiencing all the wonderful things life has to offer.  Focus less on acquiring material things that will be out of style, broken, or forgotten before you have finished paying the bill.

9.  Live beneath your means.  Not to be confused with low expectations.  Pay yourself first.  Try to save at least 10% of what you earn and ideally 20%.  Save your money it will give you flexibility in life.  Try to buy assets or things that go up in value.  All the cars, clothes, and electronics you buy today are worthless in a few years. Try and pay cash for everything.  No car loans or even mortgages. Don't try and keep up with your friends who have the nice watch, fancy car, and sharp clothes.  Be true to yourself, know yourself, and be comfortable with your style.

10 Keep the faith.  Develop your spirituality.  We are spirits living in a physical body.  Get to know God, talk with him, ask him for help on your journey.  Trust your intuition.  Take care of your body, eat good food and drink water.  Develop a sense of peace in your life and try and maintain that sense that all will be well.  Be good, do good.  And remember to feel good is to feel God.

 All my Love,


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