Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Most Important Person in the World

The most important person in the world is yourself.  Think about it. No one should care more about you than you do.  You need to be generous with praising you, nurturing you, caring for you, and loving you.  This simple idea is something that we are all born with but along the way gets lost.  Our well meaning parents, teachers, friends, and often ourselves belittle our ideas and dreams, and we fall far short of our potential.

The corollary to treating yourself with love and respect is to treat others with the same dignity whether they deserve it or not.  A powerful idea for optimal living is to treat everyone you meet as if they are the most important person in the world. Why? Because in their eyes they are the most important person in the world.

Everyone deserves our consideration.  When we give love, kindness, and respect to others it is returned to us.  This can be difficult to grasp when we feel someone has wronged us, treated us rudely, or has harmed us in any way.  We don't have to agree with the person or their actions but we can still acknowledge the divine beauty in them and in all of us.

Everyone we encounter on our journey is an opportunity to make a simple connection, an opportunity to make the world a better place by encouraging someone, by helping them. The whole world is  improved by this simple mindset.

We can put our judgments away and begin to treat ourselves and others we meet on our journey as the most important people in our lives.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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