Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ya Gotta Move!

The key to health and well being?  MOVEMENT.  The human body was meant to move, it is essential for our health and well being.  A simple exercise regimen of walking, jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope whatever will help restore your health, mood, and wellness.

Don't over think it.  Just begin. Like anything else in nature if it doesn't get used it rusts away, it decays, movement provides oxygen to our cells, restores our bodies, brains, emotions.  We all know the physical benefits of movement are increased muscle tone, heart function, and circulation, but many of us overlook the mental benefits of exercise.  We can replace the pills used to treat anxiety, depression, and other disorders with a movement or exercise program.  The side affects of these pills can wreak havoc on the body.

Look to increase your physical activity any way that you can.  Track your progress, track your physical improvement and emotional well being.  Keep a simple journal listing your activities, and the progress you've made.

Don't get discouraged.  This is not a race. There are no winners and losers.

This is a lifestyle change.  I am committed to movement and exercise because it is essential to living like food, water, and air we must move.

Spring is in the air.  A time of new growth, blooming, a time for a new you.  Yes, of course you can do it!

Now let's get moving.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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