Friday, September 20, 2013

You Are Not Your Circumstances

Remember that life can change in an instant.  If things are not the way you prefer and you would like to improve your surroundings, start with believing and imagining a better future.  We need to start seeing a better life, a better future for ourselves.

Life at times can be challenging, can beat us down.  But we have the power to keep the faith, to renew our spirit, and look for better times all while enjoy and celebrating the present moment.

We know that life changes every day, every moment is in flux.  We need to realize that if our present circumstances are not to our liking and we would like improvements that they are indeed possible.  We must start with suspending our reality, knowing that we have to power to transform our lives and that it can begin now and happen very quickly.

Begin now to think of the things you want, the life you desire. Think on it, believe it, and expect it no matter what your current situation is.

We all have challenges and many of us think they are insurmountable, but when we step outside ourselves and realize we have this day this moment, we really have everything we need.  Life is so precious and we get every day reminders in the headline news.

So despite our challenges, look for a better tomorrow, and give thanks for today.

There is a better tomorrow starting today.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

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