Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Getting High

 All Natural

We see so many of us looking to get high from drugs, alcohol, and pills. Why is that when we know that while these may change the way we feel in the short term many of these products are unhealthy and do long term damage to our minds and bodies. 

A simple 20 minute walk can release all the feel good chemicals we need while benefiting our sense of well being and boost our health and longevity.  When we perform exercise, especially outside in the fresh air and soft sunshine, our bodies release the feel good chemicals of serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin, For higher intensity workouts we release IGF-1 which has a variety of health benefits.  Fresh air and deep breathing can increase our oxygen levels and reduce our stress and cortisol levels. Soft sunshine, that does not burn the skin, provides essential vitamin D. 

We have an innate ability to improve our mood, reduce stress, and improve our health and sense of well being.  Some simple lifestyle changes can provide a natural high that is everlasting and best of all free. When we sprinkle in a little spirituality we further enhance the benefits.  

These natural chemicals can transform our lives and improve our outlook and optimism but we need to take the initiative. Our bodies have everything needed to improve our health all we need to do is harness that God given gifts. God Bless. 

Time to get high on life.  You deserve the best!

With Love,

Coach K

Sunday, February 2, 2025


 Healthy Living

In a 2023 study by the Lancet, a leading medical journal, tracked a million participants to research the benefits of movement. The findings were astounding. 
  • Simply moving 150 minutes per week or 2.5 hours, you can reduce your morality rate by 28%.
  • When we increase our movement to 750 minutes per week or 12.5 hours, you reduce your mortality rate by 42%.
By just simply moving, we can dramatically improve our health.  We are not talking about lifting weights, running, or other types of strenuous exercise to achieve these results.  Just simply moving increases our lifespan. 

These days we spend most of our time indoors leading sedentary lifestyles, but by simply walking we can increase our overall health and quality of life. A step tracker does help incentivize you to keep moving and is a small investment in your health. 

To your health!

With Love,

Coach K