Friday, June 12, 2015

You Can


We use this word in our everyday language without even noticing.  We hear this word in our daily conversations without so much as a passing thought.  I hear my children say I can't, I can't, I can't.  My response is how do you know.

When we use Can't we immediately limit ourselves, we cut off our options and our choices.  How do you know what is possible, what you are capable of?  The answer you really don't.  We have so many talents and skills that are untapped.  We've often been conditioned to hear you can't do this, or you're not good at that, that what you want to accomplish can't be done.  Your not good at math, you 're not athletic, you can't spell, you'll never be fit. Nonsense!

When we use the word Can't we are stopped.  Instead, just eliminate the word from your vocabulary or use it to your advantage.  I can't fail, I can't be stopped from my goal.

Keeping an open mind is important and all of man's achievements began with thinking that something was possible, that it could be done.  So, let that be the case with us.  Remove the negative Can't from our daily language.  When someone tells us it can't be done, simply smile and go about your business. Find someone that supports you and your dreams and don't limit yourself.

For many of us it's hard to overcome limiting thoughts and beliefs when we've been verbally abused with a stream of cant's.  Start with choosing to eliminate the word from you vocabulary no matter when you are starting from today.

Your present situation has no bearing on what you can do and accomplish. Yes, you can be healthy, wealthy, find your true love, or achieve whatever dream you have.

Simply removing one little letter can make all the difference.   I Can't becomes I CAN.  Some find it hard to make the leap from I can't to I can, that's OK.  Without moving to I can, we can just start by eliminating I can't.

We can do that right.

All the Best,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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