Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Father's - Family


Society and civilization begin with the family.  The family unit with two parents raising the children to be productive citizens is the core of life.  We know that not everyone is made for marriage or children and that's fine.  We are a society based on freedom and choice.  We also have responsibilities. 

When we choose to have children, we have an obligation to raise those children.  Our desires become secondary.  We are inherently selfish, we think primarily of ourselves and our desires.  Today's culture has a need for immediate gratification and a short attention span.  When family life gets tough, many of us choose to move on without regard for the impact on the children and the family. 

Most of societal problems can be traced to the breakdown of the family.  We have divorce rates in excess of 50%, children born out of wedlock at all time highs, and teen pregnancies at elevated levels. Not all marriages work and no one should live in an abusive relationship, but many of us decide to run at the first sign of adversity. 

When the family is broken, we know the children have greater challenges when they become adults. Studies show lower educational and career achievement.  Our children have trouble cleaning their rooms and making their beds let alone raising children. 

Raising children is one of the hardest and most important tasks we can accomplish in our lifetimes, it's not easy and requires sacrifices but it must be done.  When we decide to have children, we must do our best, we must be teachers, we must be role models, we must be parents, and we must be there for them. 

Our world is a better place when the parents are raising their children. 

With Love,

Coach K

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