Friday, October 7, 2016

Making a Life

Making a Life

Winston Churchill once said we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.  For most of the first question we ask is what's in it for me, how much will I make?  Me, Me, Me.  More, more, more.

But there is another way, my man Zig Ziglar once said,

"You can get anything you want, if you just help enough people get what they want"

When we approach life from the concept of How May I Serve every thing we need comes to us. Perhaps not on our timetable or in the manner we expect,  but in some way better and bigger than we thought possible.  Churchill single handedly stood up to Germany during World War II while begging for help from U.S., and while London was being bombed to smithereens, he stood firm unwilling to surrender.  And after the allied victory and Churchill being championed as a hero, the people of England voted him out of office! That's gratitude for you.  From high to low, Churchill still goes down as one of England's greatest heroes.

Think back on your achievements and accomplishments what are the things you remember and are proud of, is it the new car, the nice house probably not.  The shiny baubles fade away.  The lasting moments of our lives, are the people we've helped, the good deeds done without fanfare or recognition.

Helping someone down on their luck, lending a hand to someone in need, or a simple smile or glance to a stranger on the street letting them know that they are not alone.

Many times our greatest accomplishment is simply doing our duty and raising our families, being there for the kids, the wives, and husbands.  Paying the bills, doing the wash, cutting the grass, going to the games, shuttling the lovebirds all over the place.

Sacrificing our wants and desires for the benefit of of others.

Very hard.  Very powerful.

With Love,

Coach K

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