Sunday, May 12, 2019

Nourishment the Power to Heal

We are what we EAT.

Food has the power to heal us to cure us.  Food is medicine without the side affects!  Let that concept sink in for a moment, let it get down into your Soul.  Why would we rather take five different pills for various ailments with there debilitating side affects when we could just eat more nutritious health foods. 

Yes, so simple, so important, so true.

Yet, why do we find it a challenge to eat food that nourishes us.

Well maybe our palettes have been conditioned over the years with fat, sugar, and salt which of course is delicious but perhaps there is a healthier alternative.

When we think of our daily eating habits it is important to focus on ADDING delicious nutritious food to your meals.

Throw out the concept of taking away or removing foods.

As you add more wonderful healthy vibrant foods the old products will fall by the wayside.

Start with one healthy food you enjoy and build from there.  For me it is spinach.  I knew I need to eat more green vegetables and remembering how Popeye would eat spinach to make him strong and a little research of course I decided that to eat more spinach.  At first, I simply put some in a blender and tried of glass of plain spinach juice. I was surprised at how mild and fresh the taste was like the smell of freshly cut grass!  So for the past several years, I have tried to consume several pounds of spinach per week just by simple juicing it in a blender.  And from there you can add to your daily eating other fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, and nutrients that you enjoy and that are wonderful for your health and vibrancy.

Spinach is my go to food.  What's yours?

Add delicious green vegetables and fruits, products that are sourced directly from the ground and earth without processing.

When we begin eating in a more mindful manner our taste buds change and we focus of food as nourishment, energy, a power medicine that can cure you and heal you.

When we nourish our bodies and  with wonderful food, music, art, and words we connect with our higher divine selves and  provide the energy to live our best lives.

To Our Health!

With Love,

Coach K

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