Thursday, February 23, 2012

Help That Child

Yes as Whitney said, I believe the children are the future. Yes, the children are the future but more importantly they are the present.

In the present moment, how many of the world's children are cared for, nurtured, and loved. From the farthest reaches of the globe, to the largest cities, to the rural highlands, to the small town, to every local community we have an obligation to love every child.

If a marriage ends, the parenting must go on each parent must love the children

If a relationship ends but results in a child, both parents must love the child

Love is active, love is kind, love is communicating in thought, word, and deed. The love in action principle states that each child is endowed with God given talents that they are here to develop, express, and share. For when we do this we realize our greatest potential. Give up judging, scolding, berating, punishing, and replace with tolerance, understanding, and compassion.

We have a duty, a responsibility, it is in our DNA to love, care, and nurture the children of the world. Each child, every one of them deserves our best and at the very least send them a kind loving thought. Thoughts are energy and we could all use some positive vibes.

Love to write love letters. We all enjoy hearing I love you especially the children. We all know children and adults that can be a bother, send those folks some love, they really need it!

Dear Children of the World

Please know that you are loved
If you are angry, we love you
If you are hungry, we love you
If you are lonely, we love you
If you are abused, we love you
If you are neglected, we love you
If you are abandoned, we love you
If you are dirty, we love you
If you are poor, we love you

Our love is unconditional. Yes we love you just the way you are PERFECT

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

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