Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You Are Special

Sounds like a theme from Barney I know. Yes, something we always suggest to our children but we often forget about how special and unique WE ALL ARE. Did you ever stop to really think about how special all of us are, and the tremendous potential in each of us?

There are over 6 billion people on the planet, each with a unique finger print, unique voice, dna, facial features, and body makeup. 6 billion of us, and not one is the same. Regardless of how we got here, we are here now, fortunate to be on the planet. We are each holding a golden lottery ticket. With that uniqueness, comes individual talents, skills, desires, that are waiting to blossom and be shared with the world. We all are good at something, there is something each of us loves, or has a passion for, something that brings us joy. That is the joy you and I are here to share and spread.

The beauty of life is that while we are all unique and different in many ways. We are also all alike. We are all connected. Like trees in the forest, air in the atmosphere, or water in the oceans. This connection can be explained as the shared "human spirit" in all of us. The divine spark that runs through all of us. That's why when we see a tsunami in Japan, or witness Katrina in New Orleans, we "live" the experience and feel for our fellow man. We share in the pain and sorrow, and look to help with donations, volunteering, or just with saying a simple prayer. Why do we do this with strangers, people we've never met, will meet, or have no logical reason to care about their well being?

The answer is because, of course, we see ourselves in them. In a way, they are us. We are concerned for our fellow man, we care about them. We see their suffering, pain, and sorrow, and in a way we feel it also. We then begin the healing with expressing our wonderful emotions/energies of empathy, consideration, sympathy, and generosity.

Where to start? Start with doing what you love to do, something that makes you happy, and spend some time each day or week doing the activity. Just begin. You don't need any other reason than because it gives you pleasure or makes you happy. Paint, write, jog, bake, sew, play a sport, card, teach, speak, new business, cook, music, new language, whatever. As Nike says, Just do it!

I know we're all busy and with many responsibilities, but we have talents to express and share. So remember how special you really are and begin doing what you love, and when you're ready, sharing those gifts. But don't wait too long, time passes quickly and the world needs us.

Get out and spread your sunshine.

All the Best,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

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