Friday, May 11, 2012


The wonderful word Enthusiasm.  What does Enthusiasm mean? To do something with great spirit, great energy. Enthusiasm come from the greek word en theos or "in sprit or with God".  When we have enthusiasm for our work, our families, our world, and our lives, we tap into that powerful world of spirit.

We know that with that spirit or energy we can and will accomplish great things. When you feel good about what you are doing, when you enjoy what you are doing, when you love what you are doing, pay attention this in when you are in spirit when you have enthusiasm, when you have energy.

I always enjoy helping people solve a particular problem or giving them a perspective they may not thought of, this is when my energy runs high.  This is one of my joys and where I like to spend my time. We are different in that we have our unique talents that bring us and others joy. In our busy lives it is important to spend some of your time each day with this enthusiasm for life, for living.

Let you enthusiasm guide you to where you want to go, to what you should be doing.  When you are in spirit the work is not work at all but a love and a joy, it feels like play.

Play with enthusiasm!

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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