Monday, May 7, 2012

Inspiring Books

Here is a partial list of books read that have helped broaden the perspective and make the road a little smoother.  Always looking for things that inspire, help make us better than we used to be. Many of these books have consistent themes of faith, hope, and belief.  We need to continually feed our minds and hearts, like we feed our bodies on a daily basis.

1. Think and Grow Rich. Napolean Hill

2. The Power of Positive Thinking.  Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

3. The Tao De Ching.  Lao Tzu

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie

5. Tony Robbins. Unlimited Power

6. Manifesting Your Destiny. Dr. Wayne Dyer

7. Power vs Force.  Dr. Bruce Lipton

8. The Glass Castle.  Jeanette Walls

9. You Can Work Your Own Miracles.  Napolean Hill

10 Wishes Fulfilled. Dr. Wayne Dyer

11. Abundance; The Future Is Better Than You Think.  Dr. Peter Diamandis and Steve Kotler

12. Season of Life.  Jeffrey Marx

13. Inside Out Coaching, How Sports Can Transform Lives.  Joe Ehrmann

14. My Personal Best. John Wooden

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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